The Phlegethonian Gazette returns phoenix-like to the people of London! Some thought that the paper was finished especially after that indecent with the Ministry of Public Decency last Hallowmas, but London’s best source of pertinent and trustworthy news cannot be so easily silenced! We here at the Phlegethonian Gazette wish to hear the opinions of the people of London on the mayoral candidates in this London’s Third Mayoral Election so that the voice of the people of London can be heard!
Previous editions of the Phlegethonian Gazette can be found: here.
The Phlegethonian Gazette is looking for quotes to be put into its next publication. If you are interested please put down your in character quote, name in Fallen London (unless you would rather remain anonymous), and preferred term of address, and post it in this thread.
The vigilant journalist takes a quick drink from her glass to soothe her dry throat. "Now then," she says pulling out a notebook and a pen, "what is your opinion on the candidates in this years mayoral election?"
Cheers, where may I deposit the 5 pence? Or is another form of payment allowed as well? Such as a Box?
I think the candidates are like choosing between pox, cholera and the Black Death, each one is bad, but pick whichever you think least painful! edited by Honeyaddict on 6/20/2018
The Neath is home to many monsters. Some look the part, while others lose themselves to monstrosity. The Captivating Princess has the politeness to do both.
Choosing her is like electing the Vake into office.
The office of mayor is not one of extravagance or of pointless debates, but the highest position of public servitude. As such, who better to fill the role than Mr Slowcake, champion of the Notable, the Bizarre, the Dreaded, and the Respectable?
"A tragic array of candidates. Mister Slowcake, although of exceptional notability, is going to suffer tremendously from his refusal to appear in public — I know that I won’t be voting for a man I’ve never perchanced to see afoot and who leaves all his business to his Amanuensis.
"The Captivating Princess is one of those very most magnificent jewels of our city, but as you know there is that awful mess of constitutional difficulties hounding her campaign with her being a royal and all, although I can more than support her goals to make the city magnificent once more.
"And for the Contrarian? I confess; he had my vote two years ago, and he may well garner it again this year if the Princess should be thrown from the election. He is, I trust, a man who will bring change to our fair city no matter what platform he campaigns on." edited by LadyGrayRose on 6/20/2018
“I refuse to vote for anyone whose narcissism exceeds my own and I am not so libertarian as to vote for a non-existant candidate. I must, perforce, support the Jovial Contrarian.”
‘Given the monstrous reputation of the other two candidates, the only question is: how much will I regret voting for the Contrarian? Well, I guess we are about to find out.’
A truly magnificent city is one where every citizen has access to food, water, and shelter. Destroying homes in Spite in order to build art exhibits and throw parties will only help the Captivating Princess herself and her small circle of elite friends, while the true suffering within our city goes unanswered, or, for some, becomes even worse. Her campaign slogan says it all: Make London Magnificent For Her. She does not have our best interests in mind, and I pray that London realizes this. Any other candidate would be preferable over her.
“Meh, who cares about politics? The little man is screwed anyway. Even if I was somehow curious about the outcome, I am not keen on any candidate. The Contrarian is a weak man, who cares more about arguing for the sake of it than having a real opinion by himself. And who can trust Mr. Snowflake, someone who doesn’t even dare to show himself to ask for the vote? Of course, the Princess is no better, being the spoiled brat she is, but at least I am sure she will throw the best parties. She probably also has more means of payment for the ones rallying behind her, so in any case that’s where I may stand if the situation demands.”
"A far superior selection compared to the two previous years. Her Highness promises to engineer a better city. Monsieur Slowcake promises to engineer a better citizenry. And the Contrarian promises to engineer a better constabulary. Three good candidates and three progressive visions for our fair London. None of the empty, time wasting demagoguery of a Jenny or a Feducci."
. edited by Anne Auclair on 6/22/2018
"Slowcake: Does not actually exist and is supported, literally, by Hell.
The Captivating Princess: If not technically a vampire, she is close enough for ragtime.
The Jovial Contrarian: Really, really, really cannot be trusted.
The only rational, safe, non-demonic, non-monstrous choice for mayor is…yours truly, GregM! I shall accept write-in votes. And I believe the Masters would be more amused than anything else by my victory. GregM '96."
"Ah. Well I suppose I support two of them but I must vote for neither.
I have, since I first came to London, had a rather amicable relationship with Hell. My slow but steady revelations of Slowcake’s association with them should have assured my vote. If not for my assosciation with the other group I am even closer to. The Revolutionaries. If not for his transparent association with the Bazaar he would have my vote in an instant and I would not worry about being on the other side of a dynamite plot.
So clearly I must support the Contrarian. Evidently I care about the cause more than I do about Hell and he does have ties to the cause. Unfortunately he has the wrong sort of ties. I wish for the fall of the Bazaar. Not The Liberation. Not to mention his severe lack of loyalty towards any group makes supporting him, for any reason, a pointless endeavor. He would betray any group in a heartbeat and then reappear a month later as if he had done nothing wrong.
So I cannot vote for him either. However, I am rather fond of the princess. Nevermind the beauracracy issues of her mere attempt to become mayor she is litterally a born leader. Minimal ties to the Bazaar, experience, and a rather patriotic goal will serve her well during her tenure as mayor. There are rumors and whispers of a dark side to her but only rumors. She has been nothing but polite to me during my interactions with her.
Thus my choice is The Princess." edited by lukeskylicker on 6/21/2018