A question about old Exceptional Stories

I fell out of touch with Fallen London around the time Flint had just been released, and just returned at the beginning of December to find that MANY Exceptional Stories have come and gone during my absence. While I’m excited to go back and experience them, I -also- find that there’s now some sort of overarching… season…? structure? attached to Exceptional Stories now, and I’m not sure how that works. I’m given to understand that, having played through all three of the &quotSeason of Silver&quot Exceptional Stories, there will soon be some sort of &quotseason wrap-up&quot tale about the Numismatrix’s missing coins, with accompanying lore and possibly also rewards? Seems cool.

My question is, are past &quotSeasonal&quot wrap-up stories also still available, if I play through their associated Exceptional Stories after buying them with Fate? Or have I missed that content forever? :(

Yes, if you play all three stories in a season, you’ll also get the season-end wrapup storylet, regardless of when you play them.

It should also be pointed out that, once you begin a story from a season, the Season of X storylet will be pinned everywhere in London until you complete the full set. Thus, if you only play 1-2 of the season’s stories, you will have that season’s storylet ad infinitum.

Oof. Okay, so, buying seasonal stories in a block is a must, then. Good to know. Thank you!

Welcome back!

In case you need a little overview of which stories belong to which Seasons… ;)
edited by phryne on 2/17/2018

Oh, that is exceptionally helpful, thank you.

[quote=Siankan]It should also be pointed out that, once you begin a story from a season, the Season of X storylet will be pinned everywhere in London until you complete the full set. Thus, if you only play 1-2 of the season’s stories, you will have that season’s storylet ad infinitum.[/quote]Fun fact: this is not universally true. The Persona Engine left its season storylet behind after completion, and I was only rid of it after playing the other two Season of Skies stories. The same has not happened with the Season of Wrecks storylet, and I from that season I have only played Our Lady of Pyres. I guess the Severe Bluejacket’s decided to take a break from dying?
edited by Anchovies on 2/20/2018

@ Anchovies

That season (Wrecks) is the one where several people have had problems with the Bluejacket’s House or options within it disappearing, which meant they were unable to unlock things. I was one and needed help from support at two stages.