A Particularly Concerning Partnership (FANART)

I just caught Muggins (Devious Raven Advisor) and Blurpy planning a heist. How rude! I was planning a heist on the same day and need them as my lookouts!

(Yes I’m aware that I’m some sort of fanart-generating machine)

Well, you named him Muggins…

He’s a mob boss. He needed an extra &quotoomph&quot to his name for street cred!

now all we need is the starveling cat and we’ll have the devouring trinity



I am particularly pleased that I can pick out Wolfstack on the map. It’s always the little details that sell it.

(I wanted to be as authentic with this piece so i went looking for a map of london in the 1800s. Tried tracing as much detail as i could, then i decided heck it and just superimposed my sketch and the map underneath the neater lines. I rather like the effect.)