A Name in Seven Secret Alphabets 7?

With Tales of the University 25, you have the choice between revealing the Provost as the murderer or framing the Cryptozoologist. Choosing to frame the Cryptozoologist allows you to gain A Name in Seven Secret Alphabets 7. If you choose to reveal the Provost and get kicked out of the University, does that completely lock you out of A Name in Seven Secret Alphabets 7?

No, it also gets you to 7.

The &quotmaking your name&quot qualities measure how far you’ve progressed along the various paths, and it’s not possible to lock yourself out of that progression, though you can choose different paths along. Other qualities will mark the paths you took.
edited by Amalgamate on 12/17/2016

Ah really? That’s good to hear. Cos I checked the wiki, and while the conclusion from framing the Cryptozoologist is listed as granting you Level 7, exposing the Provost doesn’t have that quality listed in its conclusion.

Well, that would be a good opportunity to update the wiki, then… :-)

If you choose this option, please record the exact results (text plus quality and item changes)

It’ll be a while before I can do that anyway, since I’ve just arrived at the University :P I’m paranoid about accidentally locking myself out of stuff, which is why I decided to do some research on the wiki beforehand.

Just finished thhe University, and confirmed that getting kicked out of the University still redirects to What is it all for? and grants Level 7. Not really sure how to edit the wiki and link the redirect without messing up the page though :P

That’s odd. I just checked the wiki myself, and while the event for Seven Secret Alphabets 7 says it’s from the conclusion for framing the Cryptozoologist, only the pages for the truthful conclusion actually list a redirect to the Seven Secret Alphabets event. I’ve edited all the necessary pages for clarity.