A Mirrored Crime

“Of course it’s the caster. It casts the reflection after all. The question is who pushed the spider - council out.”

“Most likely the same thing that stole the figurine. Well, I don’t take kindly to have my possessions stolen and having a giant monstrosity sicced on me. I’m going in.” He runs up to the mirror, with the figurine clenched in his hand, and jumps in. “GERONIMO!!”

Dirae Erinye takes Evensong’s hand and walk into the glass.
OOC: Who wants to set the scene this time?

As they jumped through the mirror, the group all experienced a shared vision of a glowing lake and living trees. After the vision passed, they found themselves in a stone chamber that looked more like a refurbished cavern. Within the chamber was a circle of correspondence symbols surrounding a single sigil, with strange relics being strewn on the desks standing near the circle. Cages stand on each of the correspondence symbols, and the room is lit up by lanterns of impossible colors, that at the same time gave a sense of dread when looked at for too long.
edited by Koldun on 1/7/2016

Dirae Erinye pokes a glove hand into one of the cages. They snapped it back rather quickly.
“The spiders are definitely awake. And not stone either.”
Evensong investigates the strange relic. “Is this what you’ve been looking for?”

“I’ve been looking for the spider figurine,” he says taking the relic, “This, is some kind of strange scepter, the handle looks a lot like the frames of my bedside mirror and the one I saw in my vision.” Brings the scepter up to the mirror, a strange glow begins to emanate from the mirror. “Look at the spider carvings in the scepter. This was probably used to imbue the mirrors with the ability to turn spiders into figurines. When the spider who attacked me tried to escape back here the mirror turned him into the figurine but I grabbed it just in time. I wonder…?” Points the scepter at the opposite side of the room. Briefly vanishes and reappears on the other side of the room. “Just as I thought.”

“So better then your figurine then. Raise another interesting question on what to do with it.”

“Of course, I can now make hundreds of figurines with this. One last question. Who set up all of this and who stole the figurine? Why are they doing this”

“And why would they need to steal you figurine? And where is the security around here?”

Uses his detective skills. “Most likely because that is the only way for them to create multiple versions of the scepter. I think they are going to use the figurines with the cages to fuse them together into a single powerful being. The center symbol in the circle means 'heart and the symbols under the cages are binding. Also the papers on the desk are obviously plans to create a larger ritual circle around London. There are several circles like this around London, they are planning to use this ritual to create a much larger version of a Spider Council. A Spider Court if you will. Then they will combine all of these Spider Courts into a… single large Spider Government.” he exclaims

“Well, best to be rid of this place,” Dirae Erinyes opens the cages and removes the figurines. Then, with careful precision they start destroying the symbols. There is quite a considerable amount of burning involved, since the Correspondence dislikes being read and even more been tampered with.
“So, were we lucky enough from them to write down the other locations?” Evensong asks, refusing to get close to the Correspondence circle.

“According to these maps, right now we are at Watchmaker’s Hill, the other ritual circles are in Spite, Veilgarden and Wolfstack Docks, along with the center location which is not marked on the map. Be careful!” he says rushing over to stop Dirae, “These aren’t figurines, they’re just sedated. The chemical they’re sedated with is the color of silver so I see why you misunderstood.” Begins to throw cages into the fire. “Where to first?”

“Let Dirae Erinyes keep them. She might decide that they would be could mementos to join the horde in our basement after this adventure. At least they keep the plant away from the wine,” Evensong says, as she picks up one of the not yet burned cages. “As to where, I would suggest to Wolfstack docks. They are the closest.”

“If everyone could just put a hand on my arm, we have to get out quickly.” Raises the scepter above his head and shouts “To Wolfstack!” They blink out of the room.

“If everyone could just put a hand on my arm, we have to get out quickly.” Raises the scepter above his head and shouts “To Wolfstack!” They blink out of the room.

The sound of waves lapping metal walls greet the group as they exit the mirror world. Not as wide as the underground cavern, the culprit used the walls and the ceiling to finish their circle. The cages are chained in place.
“A zubmarine. I wonder how deep beneath the docks were really are,” Dirae Erinye muses.

“He could probably sink the thing after he’s done with it, if it even is a he. Wait a minute…” picks up and reads papers strewn on a desk. “According to this, they had apparently used that binding symbol before, when they apparently fused a…a…a Spider Queen and a human? That must have been the one that stole the figurine and the mastermind behind all of this.” he says in great shock.

“Too bad they had to go and do something like this. I would’ve loved to have her or him over for chess night,” Dirae Erinye muses. Evensong is a bit more focused on the present.
“We should make sure that they can’t remotely sink us while we are exploring. Let’s check for that before we deal with the circle.”

“I’m sure a grotesque abomination would not make good company. Even if they do attempt to sink us, they would sink their own ritual circle and we can always use this,” he says raising the scepter. “Try to find any clues that point to the final center location” begins to investigate the symbols on the ground.

“Morning Glory taught me that to give grotesque abominations a chance. She was always Beauty for her fairytales, no matter what. . .” Dirae Erinyes sad tone violently changes as they kick open the cages, sending fragments flying. Evensong gives a look of feat at the correspondence symbols but still tries to comfort her spouse. Being close enough to see the spiders and clear minded, she’s the first to notice that these figurines look different.
"Light. They have light trapped in them. Is that to help bring across something from the jungle?