A lucrative (and educational) visit to the Museum

Greetings good (and not-so-good) people of Fallen London,

I find myself in need of a substantial quantity of First City coins in pursuit of a venture and I have been unable to procure them through more conventional methods. As a last resort, I am seeking a contact adept at the arts of persuasion or circumspection (Persuasive or Shadowy at least 70) to infiltrate the Museum of Mistakes to this end. I am given to understand that the venture will be mutually profitable. It is absolutely imperative that you obtain the coins only. Leave a message on the forum or leave a calling card at:


Much obliged.

Two piles of shiny coins have somehow found their way into a small and discrete bin on your doorstep. However did that happen?

(I sent 60 First City Coins through my character Lanzo Hoffman. Is that enough?)

edited by Owen Wulf on 3/1/2015

Dear Mr. Wolf,

I cannot put into words how grateful I am to you. Your generous donation gives me 63 coins, so I am still in need of 14 more, but if that is all you can do, it’s more than enough. Again, thank you. I will drop a calling card to Lanzo Hoffman as soon as I am able.

Another set of thirty coins finds itself thrown through your sitting room window. Hmm. A generous offering, or a thinly veiled threat? No matter. This should be more than enough to pursue your Heart’s Desire. And buy a new window…

A thank you and a thumbs up are always appreciated. The final coins have been sent, and good luck with your ambition. It may not be the most exciting of the bunch but it is steeped in lore and at times quite absorbing. Had me tearing up a little at the end.

I see a certain Dark Gentlemen has also added his contribution. Perhaps these coins will be used like gambling chips in the Marvellous?

edited by Owen Wulf on 3/2/2015

Thank you gentlemen both. I can’t wait to see how this one plays out.

Also, I am unable to drop a calling card to the Dark Gentleman. If you ever need anything, though, like skimming off some suspicion or opening up your nightmares, I am always available.
edited by Isaiah Hazardway on 3/2/2015

I will also soon be in need of some assistance in a similar matter. I reside with a poor old widow of no small means on the outskirts of Fallen London; although quite senile, she is more than capable of accepting calling cards on my behalf while I am out.


Mr Hazardway, I am glad that you have found a way to acquire the coins needed in order to proceed in your search of the game but I find myself in the same need. I was wondering if I could bother you or anyone persuasive enough for a “night visit” at the museum. Perhaps we could “find” some “loose change” on the way there.


Baron Lagavulin


[quote=sunshinecorp]Mr Hazardway, I am glad that you have found a way to acquire the coins needed in order to proceed in your search of the game but I find myself in the same need. I was wondering if I could bother you or anyone persuasive enough for a &quotnight visit&quot at the museum. Perhaps we could &quotfind&quot some &quotloose change&quot on the way there.

Larnneire would be happy to charm her way into the Museum and get 30 coins for you.


While I do not have the time to deal with the Museum right now, I’ve shared what I could.

Dear Sir,

Thank you kindly for the tip. I have sent her an invitation and await her reply.

Sir, I accept your donation with great gratitude and hope that I myself might be of some help to you someday.

Dear Sir,

Thank you kindly for the tip. I have sent her an invitation and await her reply.[/quote]
Larnneire has sent an Urchin for the delivery, she finds the little trip pretty enjoyable.

I’m indebted to the lady for her invaluable help. Should she ever need anything, I have sent her a card.