A lack of Dreams of Death by Water

I’ve been playing this fine game for quite some time now. However, over the past couple of months, I haven’t gotten more than two or three opportunity cards for Death by Water dreams. Has this been happening to anybody else? I realize it’s possible that I have just been extraordinarily unlucky, but this seems to be something of a stretch.

The dream cards do tend to vary in availability pretty wildly. I haven’t been getting many dreams other than What the Thunder Said.

I have hardly seen any Fire Sermon or Game of Chess though I swear I got one maybe a while ago? But I have had quite a number of What the Thunder Said cards.

Perhaps the developers have changed the probabilities to favour WTTS because they seem to be focusing on it, what with Stormy-Eyed and all?

I seemed to have many of these dreams early on after I arrived in Fallen London. When I lost them all gazing into the dream mirror… I have only regained but a few.

A Lady seeking dreams

Same Here. I have WTTS at 10, most of the rest at 5 or 6 and Fire Sermon and Game of Chess at 2.

Death by Water is a precursor to “seeking Mr Eaten’s Name” which can be unlocked with an opportunity card called “A dream about your home” at Death by Water 7. At the moment, that’s all this particular kind of dream is there for.