A Distinctly Neathy Condiment

Whilst travelling back from Scotland after the festivities, I spied this in a service station and immediately thought of the Neath’s morbid fascination with fungi:

(And at a mere 3.30 echoes! Bargain. Sadly I didn’t actually buy any, I’m beginning to regret that).[li]

Even the wording and design look Fallen London-ian! Please tell me you bought it. It sounds delectable.

Bonus item!

I see the thing with fungi not so much as a fascination as a creative use of the only thing that’ll grow down there. That, moss and mandrakes. I wouldn’t try eating the mandrakes, if I were you.

This ought to be an item, something that can fix the four menaces BUT at a weaker rate than the cures found in the Bazaar. It’s also conveniently so people with Laudanum habits can’t abuse it.

An intriguing idea. How do you propose to use ketchup to reduce suspicion? Brandish the bottle threateningly when the constables come looking for you? &quotI’ve got a bottle of Watkins, and I’m not afraid to use it!&quot Or would you try to instigate a Fruit Pie Sorcerer moment? Perhaps you could douse yourself in it thoroughly enough that you are simply too slippery to haul off to court.

An intriguing idea. How do you propose to use ketchup to reduce suspicion? Brandish the bottle threateningly when the constables come looking for you? &quotI’ve got a bottle of Watkins, and I’m not afraid to use it!&quot Or would you try to instigate a Fruit Pie Sorcerer moment? Perhaps you could douse yourself in it thoroughly enough that you are simply too slippery to haul off to court.[/quote]

Let’s see :) Behold the power of ketchup!

Wounds - Food just taste richer with some Mushroom Ketchup. With ketchup, you’ll think you’re eating food from the Surface.

Nightmares - It’s easier to sleep at night with a belly full of ketchup-enriched food. It tastes so good that you’ll go South instead!

Suspicion - No whiff of blood or greasy smell from thieving tools can overpower the appetizing smell and taste of ketchup.

Scandal - Having a bad day facing the crowd? Blame the cook! Surely all your recent distasteful behavior is due to a someone’s bad cooking. Don’t worry, no one will question a ketchup connoisseur of your stature.


An intriguing idea. How do you propose to use ketchup to reduce suspicion? Brandish the bottle threateningly when the constables come looking for you? &quotI’ve got a bottle of Watkins, and I’m not afraid to use it!&quot Or would you try to instigate a Fruit Pie Sorcerer moment? Perhaps you could douse yourself in it thoroughly enough that you are simply too slippery to haul off to court.[/quote]

The stains on my hands? And my clothes? And my axe blade? Just ketchup stains. Go on, lick them and see for yourself.[li]
edited by mayexist on 1/9/2014