The title is more or less self-explanatory, I’m trying to gather all of the ports and zee-locations and phenomenons mentioned throughout Fallen London, that do NOT appear in Sunless Sea, as well as all the information I can get on them. I have a self-made list that in itself is already pretty large and detailed, but I could use help from players that are further into Fallen London than I am to fill in.
What I have so far:
Grunting Fen, living Polythreme island with nothing significant. (Voyage of scientific discovery)[/li][li]Corpsecage Island, remnants of the first four cities, escaped prisoners, primordial shrieks, and bats (Voyage of scientific discovery).[/li][li]Bullbone Island, piles of cattle-bone, a forest of giant mandrakes, fallen glim, first city carvings, and weasels (Voyage of scientific discovery).[/li][li]Winking Isle, pray, fast, and wait for something terrible (Seeking).[/li][li]Drudgewick (port: Marlowe Bog), apparently a port comparable to Mutton island: a London-ish settlement (A Zailor in the making).[/li][li]Shrub, another London-ish port out in the Southern Archipelago (A Zailor in the making). [/li][li]Wrack, a drownie port where pirates and saboteurs frequently try to sabotage and wreck passing-by steamers (Fruits of the Zee).[/li][li]Xibalba, an outlying 3d city Tomb-Colony (Ambition)[/li][li]Scrimshander, another underwater/drownie city (Fruits of the Zee). [/li][li]Dahut, yet another drownie/underwater city (Fruits of the Zee/Seeking).[/li][li]Featherhaven (Early Sunless Sea content)
The Galatea, ship that in early London days explored throughout the Unterzee, currently decomissioned.[/li][li]The Israelite, dread pirate vessel of the grandiosely named Circumcellion Brotherhood (A Zailor in the making/Zailing).[/li][li]Zee-Znails, since you can apparently have a Zee-Znail shell as lodgings (Lodgings/Sacksmas).[/li][li]Sentient polythreme steamers (Zailing).[/li][li]Giant clay men (Zailing).[/li][li]Dr Orthos’ fleet of truth (Voyage of scientific discovery).[/li][li]Plated seals, 15-foot long creatures that stalk near Frostfound.
Occurences and other:
The Pelagic Upheavals (Zailing)[/li][li]The Howling Shoals (Zailing)[/li][li]The Beechey Currents (Zailing)[/li][li]Low Barnet (sunken outskirts next to London, actually present in Sunless Sea) is apparently a congregation for drownies (Fruits of the Zee).[/li][li]Aigul, some sort of giant spiky hold, possibly a drowny settlement (Seeking/Zumbariner teaser).[/li][li]Hideaway, a mechanic city built on the back of a giant turtle somewhere in the Sea of Voices (Zubmariner teaser).[/li][li]Sea of Wings (early Sunless Sea content)
You get the gist. edited by Infinity Simulacrum on 8/17/2016 edited by Infinity Simulacrum on 8/17/2016 edited by Infinity Simulacrum on 8/23/2016
Nice! Two corrections: Low Barnet is very much on the SS map, and unless I’ve missed something I think you misunderstood the thing about the Polythreme beacons: I didn’t see any difference in their FL description to how they are depicted in SS.
Also, Wrack is underwater, so we’ll probably see it in the Zubmariner expansion. And another underwater city, Scrimshander, is mentioned in the text you get upon obtaining the Scrimshander Carving Knife! edited by phryne on 8/16/2016
[quote=phryne]Nice! Two corrections: Low Barnet is very much on the SS map, and unless I’ve missed something I think you misunderstood the thing about the Polythreme beacons: I didn’t see any difference in their FL description to how they are depicted in SS.
Also, Wrack is underwater, so we’ll probably see it in the Zubmariner expansion. And another underwater city, Scrimshander, is mentioned in the text you get upon obtaining the Scrimshander Carving Knife! edited by phryne on 8/16/2016[/quote]
Threw that in, thanks.
Worth noting that Dahut, the Drownie city, is mentioned in the Effluvia (and also the text for sailing NORTH, if I recall correctly) and will be in Zubmariner. edited by Barselaar on 8/16/2016
While in lore it’s at least a days’ zailing from London.
Just like Abbey rock is supposedly in the middle of nowhere but actually isn’t.
[quote=Barselaar]Worth noting that Dahut, the Drownie city, is mentioned in the Effluvia (and also the text for sailing NORTH, if I recall correctly) and will be in Zubmariner. edited by Barselaar on 8/16/2016[/quote]
Alright, added.
So I’m wondering, if the Fathomking’s reach extends to so many underwater cities, doesn’t that more or less skew the player in Sunless Sea towards siding with the Fathomking on issues like Pigmote’s alliance and such? edited by Infinity Simulacrum on 8/16/2016
The Galatea, I honestly have no idea what the business is with the Galatea since it’s fate-locked.
The Galatea has been decommissioned, and many of her crew have retired, though they’re still very highly regarded among zailors. Her captain was one of the Traitor Empress’s sons. He no longer leaves the cellars of the palace.
Corpsecage Island is also home to an ex-Prince of Hell in Heart’s Desire. Drudgewick is mentioned in at least one sidebar snippet. Xibalba is home to the God-Eaters and features somewhat in the Fidgeting Writer storyline, but does not appear in any ambitions to my knowledge.
Wrack, Scrimshander, Dahut, Low Barnet, Aigul, and Hideaway are all Zubmariner ports. Only Low Barnet can be seen from the surface. I’m pretty sure of these locations, only Dahut and possibly Aigul are drownie cities.
I think Featherhaven might have been the Sea of Wings that appears on some of the older Unterzee maps, which was never implemented. Same with the Deconstruction?[li]