This survey should take around 2-5 minutes to complete. Only four questions are required – the rest are highly encouraged. By taking this survey, you improve the accuracy of our results and contribute to insights into the FL electorate.
In the first week, you voted in our first impressions survey, the full results of which can be found here. This election is shaping up to be the most competitive in FL history.
The Viscountess commands a moderate lead, with F.F. Gebrandt and the Tentacled Entrepreneur effectively tied right behind, but no candidate is even close to securing a majority. Undecided voters can shift the tide of the election towards any of the candidates, and all it takes a small portion of the electorate shifting to swing the vote.
By taking a separate survey for each week, we’re hoping to capture a dynamic field. Will voters stick with their first impressions? Will one candidate pick up steam as their competitors falter? Now that all the cards are on the table, what can we predict about who we will win?
You can view preliminary results from our Week 2 survey right here. Thanks for participating in the survey, and happy campaigning.
Seems like a very close race this year, but things are looking a bit dim for the Entrepreneur… heartbreaking stuff. I can only hope this poll doesn’t reflect the final result.
I’m curious to see the results of the second week’s poll! :)
I would like to state I’ll be voting for the Viscountess, perhaps if she wins we’ll get even more Parabolan Content? The War of Dreams? Would be quite nice, charging into Parabolan Jungle on the back of one of your Feline Companions or a Large Enough Storm-Bird or even on the back of your Two-Headed Terror-Bird (if you have one).
[quote=Honeyaddict]IThe War of Dreams? Would be quite nice, charging into Parabolan Jungle on the back of one of your Feline Companions or a Large Enough Storm-Bird or even on the back of your Two-Headed Terror-Bird (if you have one).[/quote]Something like this is clearly in the works already, based on the election interactions in the Viric Jungle. I’d wager it will come regardless of who is mayor.
Seeing how close everything is makes me nervous, as the election might just come down to whose voter base is more notable. edited by Mulligan on 7/25/2020
Not to worry, I have voted Rubbery and he has the support of my railroad behind him. Unfortunately I’m not all that notable, so I’m relying on you lot to be exceptional!