Greetings, delicious friends!
For a sort of personal, er, "project" of mine, I’m making a comprehensive list of known definitions of Correspondence signs. That is, the definitions of as many Correspondence sigils as possible combined into a handy little list.
Of course, this is a nearly insurmountable task for me, what with me being relatively new, and the amount of given definitions presumably numbering in the dozens, if not hundreds. So, I came up with the brilliant idea of enlisting you, fellow Londoners.
I’ll keep personal records, and I’ll also maintain a list on this page here, I’ve already got a handful, but it’s not much. I prefer suggestions to be quoted as directly as possible from Fallen London. (Also, can someone tell me how to make a spoiler so I can put this list in a little openable folder instead of having it clog up the page?)
List: [spoiler]
- The absence of breath[/li][li]The absorption of a royal house[/li][li]The act of drowning your sister to be with the man she loves although you do not share that love[/li][li]The act of kidnapping a new friend[/li][li]An airless flight[/li][li]Bad-tempered gas[/li][li]A day that lasts then thousand years[/li][li]Death by water[/li][li]A decomposing deity[/li][li]An emotion somewhere between love and academic excitement[/li][li]To eternally circle the object of your affection[/li][li]An exchange that is both monstrous and scrupulously honest[/li][li]A fortuitous occassion for the revision of plans of murder[/li][li]A future consumed and forgotten[/li][li]A generous gift of murder[/li][li]A gift to remind a woman of something best forgotten[/li][li]A great maw to dispose of the unwary[/li][li]A/The hateful priest, whose lust killed thousands[/li][li]Hurtling forever towards the earth[/li][li]Innocent garbed as experience[/li][li]An interval of between a thousand and ten thousand years[/li][li]Lost in a night which never sees starlight (How poetic)[/li][li]The mounting excitement when one’s beloved reaches the closest point of his orbit[/li][li]A path unmarred by obstacles[/li][li]A place deep underneath to hide sins and secrets[/li][li]A process that can only take place behind a mirror, by which stone becomes wood and woode becomes stone, in which petrification and lignification are opposed but complimentary and dynamic forces[/li][li]Revenge in the sense of a cataclysmic collision[/li][li]A request to never repeat a recent unpleasant experience[/li][li]A sentiment that is chiefly curiosity but is experienced as infatuation[/li][li]A span of time greater than four million years[/li][li]A trade involving a labyrinth[/li][li]A thing which is empty, whose purpose is to be filled[/li][li]A willing sacrifice
edited by Infinity Simulacrum on 7/12/2016
edited by Infinity Simulacrum on 7/13/2016
edited by Infinity Simulacrum on 7/13/2016