5 action opportunity cards

Devil and the child, et al. For RP sake I tend to always do the 5 action mediation opportunity. It also comes with what look like better rewards. Is this a poor use of my actions as far as progress and money goes?

I take the 5 actions option, if I have the actions. I like the bonuses, and they are good if you don’t have a lot of time to play. I have RP alternatives too, of course, if I need to boost a connection with a certain faction. I am more character lead than some very organised people who work out change point ratios and whatnot, though.

Sorry, that doesn’t answer your question. Fallen London provides many ways to progress and to my mind there is no ‘ideal’. See where your character takes you, and don’t be in a rush. I was, early game, and missed out on so much.
edited by Snotra on 10/28/2015

The five action opportunity yields 6 Mysteries of the Elder continent (Worth 3.00 echos) and 10 Romantic Notions (1.00 echo) for a total of 4.00 for 5 actions, meaning .80 echo’s per action. The other options by comparison give far less in terms financial gain (0-30 pence) but give large boosts of connection to one party or another (And a decent amount of wounds if you side with the urchins)

Personally, I use it mostly to grind connections with the urchins.

The one-action options tends to be more useful at high levels as it awards Someone is Coming, which can be exchanged for Surface Currency or potentially a Ratwork Watch in Spite.

Since you gain more Surface Currency as your Shadowy increase, it is particularly profitable to earn as much Someone is Coming at low level when most options yields little profit, save them up until you reach 200 Shadowy, then go on a spending spree in Spite.

Thank you for this! My opportunity card deck is ridiculously crowded and my Someone is Coming quality is at something like 25 - so high that it doesn’t even say &quotJust behind your shoulder&quot anymore. Now I know what to do to reduce it (it annoys me, is all).

[quote=Estelle Knoht]The one-action options tends to be more useful at high levels as it awards Someone is Coming, which can be exchanged for Surface Currency or potentially a Ratwork Watch in Spite.

Since you gain more Surface Currency as your Shadowy increase, it is particularly profitable to earn as much Someone is Coming at low level when most options yields little profit, save them up until you reach 200 Shadowy, then go on a spending spree in Spite.[/quote]

Out of curiosity how do people manage to get their SiC so high? Doesn’t the capering relicker eventually come up in all its undiscardable glory and clog up your hand forever?

I have all the pets from the Labyrinth of Tigers and quite a few POSI accoutrements with their own opportunity cards. My connectedness for all factions are generally 50+ so I draw the faction cards a lot (and I always choose a side to keep the connections high). I draw one card at a time and have a 4-card hand. The capering relicker simply doesn’t like me enough to give gifts often!

Sometimes he just doesn’t show up for a long time and you get a lot more cards that can raise someone is coming so it is possible for SiC to get high.

I really wish he was discardable. I used to lose him by going on a heist or to the Nadir, but now he’s a terrible menace and I usually just take his dumb gift instead of doing the profitable thing.

And… suddenly I’ve regained the Capering Relicker’s favour. I haven’t been cycling through my card deck much with Hallowmas, but I do it for the Visitor card (because fish!). And there he pops up once or twice a day to hand me a gift. His RNG master must really hate me.

Yet… My Someone is Coming quality is still 25.
edited by navchaa on 11/2/2015

To be honest, if I don’t have something specific I’m grinding for or a story to work through, I’ll use multi-action options just to use up my candles in a not-too-inefficient way. Ring-fights in Wolfstack, drinks or dealing with agents in Veilgarden, that sort of thing. Of course, that’s on my stat-capped characters.

Unless specifically grinding for items, I find that the single action option is more beneficial than the 5-action ones since they have all-around useful effects such as menace removal or second chance generation.

Some of the 1-action options are fairly good in their own right. Particularly: siding with the Urchins against the Widow will reduce nightmares, siding with the Church against the Game will give you 4 second chances, and, if you’re into that sort of thing, siding with the Urchins against Hell will give you 3CP wounds and siding with the Rubbery Men against the Revolutionaries will give you 1CP Scandal. There might be a few others I’m forgetting.

If you have that much, you may wish to wait till you get a Shadowy Mood, to maximize your profits.