I would like to highlight Dr. Carrywell. For a character with so many connections and story hooks, she is extremely underused. She is dangerous, but in a long-term way that means her victory won’t necessarily lead to anything drastic. We had a Princess run for mayor, now let an avatar of the (Bloody-Handed) Queen have her turn!
I would like to see the Campaigner come back like the Contrarian did, having learned from her mistakes and constructed a more viable public platform. Something more welcoming that won’t get her tagged as a simple moral busybody restrictionist out to spoil everybody’s fun. I’d like to see more of the Campaigner from the Roser Market who makes friends with the Live Specimen. Also, a little more coffee then tea.
I’d definitely say the Northbound Parliamentarian, if it’s possible. Are there any of her colleagues known in the Neath? Now would be the time to introduce such a character.
Also, ranked-choice voting? The Contrarian only got 48% of the vote! This is an outrage to democracy!
I would love to see the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner run again. She ran a protest campaign against Feducci for an entire year and would have won new supporters with her persistence. She would have learned from her mistakes, and she has dauntless and campaigner in her name. There is no way she would give up after just one campaign. Plus, I think this year’s election system would have been perfect for her to win and gain supporters.
I still say it would be pricelessly awesome to have a Rubbery candidate :P
The Tiger Keeper! or February
The Jovial Contrarian running twice made perfect sense, in-character, because he’s an inconstant weirdo who at the very least pretends not to really care about anything in particular. The DTC doesn’t seem like the type to waste everyone’s time by running again with the same platform, nor the sort who’d compromise on her beliefs by watering them down. She may never give up, but that doesn’t mean that she has to keep trying the same thing over and over again.
Besides, I was disappointed enough when Slowcake and the Contrarian unfurled their banners. I’d much rather have candidates that we know little about, like the Implacable Detective or the DTC the first time around, than relatively known quantities like Mr Slowcake or Her Royal Highness. The discovery is rather more than half the fun of the Election, in my view, and there simply can’t be that much else to find out about the Campaigner.
Someone has to say it.
Mr Empty Chair for the next Mayor.
[quote=incerteza]Someone has to say it.
Mr Empty Chair for the next Mayor.[/quote]
It’s the ultimate revolutionary candidate. There is no mayor, just a chair we all get to bully. Anarchism finally has a chance in legitimate government.
A Summurset academic would be a good antidote to the last couple of years of anarchy. Get someone genteel in to right the ship and give the market traders some room to breathe (and claw back their privileges). Plus, a lesser-known Master of the Bazaar ought to toy with the populace now that the boundaries of good taste have well and truly been shattered.
Would it be possible for players to run? Maybe a short period of time (say, twelve hours) where players can begin a campaign to become mayor.
How about November? If you saw the latest ES, you know that she seems to be a great character!
I’ve said before that I think Mrs. Plenty would be a great Mayoral candidate, and in fact my character would love to vote for her. The Tiger Keeper would also be interesting, though I don’t think I’d want to see him win…
edited by cathyr19355 on 11/12/2018
No! No no no no no no no no no.
I have an orphanage to run.
November would be great, and it would establish her as a character, but maybe that would too many anarchists in a row?
I would personally love to see either a Rubbery gentleman or a leader of rats try to run. No doubt their eligibility would have to be resolved by the courts first.
Last year was a very loud message that London is willing to work around minor details like legality when it comes to mayoral candidates. After all, one of the candidates was a member of the royal family (see last year’s discussion for the constitutionality issues) and another one quite literally did not exist. Thus, I do not think the courts would raise much of an issue.
That said, there is an extremely high barrier to these options, and that is that we have no major Rubbery or Ratty characters to work with. Feducci and Slowcake (and arguably the Princess) may not have been human, but they were personalities (if one is generous with the bounds of that term). They are names. How many named Rubbery Men do we have in London? How many named rats? We are, quite literally, likelier to get a Snuffer or a Clay Man than we are to get a Rubbery Man.
The other issue is platform: Who in London would support such a candidate? What would a Rubbery mayor stand for? I have not seen such questions answered so far, and they aren’t likely to be until you have an individual Rubbery Man to talk about.
So assuming species is no barrier, what possibilities exist in London?
- Humans (lots and lots of options, including Tomb Colonists)
- Snuffers ([redacted])
- Devils (Virginia is the top candidate)
- Tigers (the aforementioned Tiger Keeper)
- Parakeets (Plato–and I hope I’m joking)
- Clay Men (Clay Coalman or the Pirate-Poet, among others)
- Masters (Mr. anyone, but of course there are other, scarier barriers here)
- Space-Crabs ([redacted], and see the above about barriers)
- Cat (the Starveling One–now what about that?)
(Have I missed any? I don’t think so, but tell me if I did.)
Rats, bats, weasels, Rubbery Men, ravens, Lorn-Flukes, Fingerkings, spider councils, and others exist, but have no proper-noun representatives in London. (Correct me if I’m wrong.) If you really want to see a Rubbery mayor, what you need to be lobbying for is a named Rubbery Man to show up, so that we can then talk about him as a real candidate.
edited by Siankan on 11/12/2018
Or we might get a new candidate? Not that there is a dearth of named characters that can easily run (the other thread has even more suggestions than that) but a new face could very well make a splash - and feature in other stories later.
I was assuming one would, at the very least, have to be present in London to run as its mayor. That’s why I didn’t include, e.g., Stone or Mt. Nomad as options, though they are certainly important personages and certainly not human.
Too many anarchists? London has been subsisting in a subterranean cavern with bats living mostly on mushrooms for 30 + years! There cannot be too many anarchists in those circumstances so far as I am concerned.
I think she would be a poor choice for another reason–she’s NORTHBOUND! Does London really want to elect a Mayor who may tear off to the NORTH in the middle of her term?