Gender:[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)] Male[/color]
Race:[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)] Human[/color]
Age:[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)] Early 20s[/color]
Height:[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)] 5’8 ft.[/color]
Build:[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)] Slim, yet clearly fit.[/color]
Skin:[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)] Pale[/color]
Eyes:[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)] Dark Blue[/color]
Hair Colour:[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)] A dark blonde[/color]
Hair Style:[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)] Shaggy hair which falls just above his shoulders[/color]
Typical Dress:[color=#c2c2c2] He tends to wear fairly cheap-looking (yet comfortable), hard-worn suits. They tend to be fairly clean - besides of course any spots that might’ve originated from earlier in the day. The shirt being of a worn-white; a sweater over it, being of a dark green; his coat of a muddy-brown; and his pants being brown, as well, but of a lighter shade of it. The lower edge of his coat fall just above his knees. It is missing one of its sleeve’s buttons, along with one of the torso’s middle buttons. When completely buttoned up its collar is a snug fit around his neck. The sleeves a bit too long, reaching the mid-point of his hands. He is rarely seen without having his head completely bandaged around by old, but well-kept bandages, in a similar style to some tomb colonists. The bandages hide his entire face but his two eyes, and a few strands of blonde hair that slip through. On colder days, he’ll tend to wear a thick, black cloak to keep himself warm.[/color]
Typical Demeanor:[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)] Quasarint tends to be fairly reserved, yet not to the point of being considered anti-social by most. He’s fairly calm and while fairly polite, he opts to the mannerisms of the common man instead of refined speech of the upper class. Although not one to commonly create problems, he can occasionally lash out or be quite critical if the circumstances are right. He tends to take to drinking to get through the harder weeks.[/color]
Voice:[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)] His voice is quiet, cold, and passive, similar to that of most tomb colonists, although clearly having more spark and life in them.[/color]
Other relevant details:[color=#c2c2c2] When not (seemingly) aimlessly wandering about or busy tending to his employment, he can typically be found at Caligula’s, sitting (usually) lonesomely and enjoying a nice cup of coffee at a pace that tends to make sure that it’s cold by the time he finishes it. Otherwise, he might also be encountered at the docks, enjoying the company of more disheveled men and women in a state of drunkenness. [/color]
edited by Quasarint on 10/18/2016