Nero Keller, Monster-Hunter and Archbishop of Canterbury
Gender: Female
Age: 30+, deliberately unspecified on her part
Race: "Human" (Monster-Hunter)
Height: 137cm (4’6")
Build: Lithe in all departments, though with surprisingly (or not) firm muscles all around.
Overall appearance: She is by all accounts a tiny woman, and before she gained prestige, it was common for her to be mistaken for an adolescent. A younger adolescent, at that. Her face however betrays that, with gaunted cheeks, dark eyebags, prominent laugh lines. Age displays on her face so well, it’s almost picturesque. That being said, sometimes she mysteriously is seen without any of those flaws, and her features then appear so youthful she could be mistaken for her own relative, like a niece. If she is caught during these mysteriously youthful occasions (skin treatments, perhaps?), her expression inevitably turns dour and her attitude is guarded compared to usual. Otherwise, it’s difficult if not unheard of to see her without a smile on her face. A soft one, that promises the gentleness of magnanimity. God help you if that grin becomes cheeky. It’s never a good sign when that magnanimity is gone.
Skin color: Light-skinned, but with a noticeable tan compared to most Europeans in the Neath. How in the Neath she manages to maintain such a tan is anyone’s guess.
Eye color: Peligin, plain and simple. There are rumours that her eyes have seen as yellow, or perhaps golden, but how could that be possible when a glance tells you they’re peligin?
Hair color: Greyed to the point of off-white
Hair style: Short, messily combed, and trimmed around the ears and collar. Masculine, certainly, but in a charming rather than outlandish manner for a woman like herself. Very practical for a lady who wishes to go hunting in the morning and attend a meeting that evening, and doesn’t have time to spend hours on fixing her hair.
Usual clothing style: She has two main outfits. One is, of course, her Archbishop cassock, with a dignified purple covering her from zucchetto to ankles. The other is her hunting attire (also her casual attire, because of some degree of impropriety): a hiking skirt and rough-wearing shirt, covered by a cloak of cured monster-skin. In either case, she has on boots thick enough to withstand a fierce bite. Reluctantly, she has decided to stop carrying her bone harpoon with her while in her cassock. She still carries it with her at all times outside of that. Naturally, she wears a cross necklace on her, different ones depending on the situation. While hunting, her necklace is closer to a metal collar, since she doesn’t need it so loose that it bounces around while hunting.
Demeanor: No doubt that she’s a kindhearted woman. That’s not to say her behaviour is always kind. She may smile at you softly, rest a hand on your shoulder comfortingly, while at the same time not holding her opinions back that you’re a complete sinner and are ruining your own life as well as those around you (YMMV on if she thinks that about you specifically). There’s always a strange disconnect from how polite she appears to try to be, and how callous she may act in spite of that. She’s easily stubborn to a fault, but she rarely goes looking for a confrontation. It’s still something to be wary about if you decide to approach her with a problem. At the same time, while she attempts to be polite to everyone, there’s an undeniable aura of superiority about her, as if she’s constantly speaking to others as if they were children. "I have no pride in myself, but I have pride in my Lord and the blessings he creates through me. Perhaps you are lacking in faith if you mistake it for smugness," she would explain, her grin growing minutely wider.
Voice: Deep, soft, and throaty. Can be almost ASMR when she speaks at lower volumes, but the other problem is she has trouble being heard. Her inside voice is hard to hear over a crowd, and her outside voice is almost a shout. There’s not much room between them, and she doesn’t show interest in changing that. She has a noticeable German accent, but she’s been speaking English long enough that it doesn’t affect her understandability (besides French loanwords, which sound like a verbal blasphemy when she says them).
Other remarkable details:
She has many scars from hunting accidentals and calculated hunting successes, but almost all of them are along her arms, legs, and chest. It would be a strange day indeed for anyone besides perhaps a servant to see them.
She also partakes in sparring at Feducci’s request, after seeing how she hunts. She has over a hundred sanguine ribbons, and seeing as how she doesn’t have bandages like Feducci, she instead affixes all of them to her harpoon and its rope. She wears exactly two ribbons on her person for duels, one almost satirically tied in her hair ("The one from the first person I killed"), and one around her collar, hung down just enough to be in front of her heart ("The one from the first person to kill me"). The latter is actually from her own blood—when she killed them back in a later duel, she left them with their bout’s ribbon while taking the ribbon with her blood instead.