Why Wiithdraw a Confession offer?

Since I am new to this Hallowmas festival, I am puzzled why one would send out an invitation to confess someone, and then withdraw it. Seems a waste of Action Points at a time when they are of greater value.

– Mal

Hard to know! I did this when I accidentally sent two to the same person, though…

Yeah, I’ve had to withdraw invitations when I accidentally sent multiples.

That would make sense, but I’ve had a couple of people withdraw single invitations. I feel snubbed.:) Of course, they could still be a misclick, I would imagine those involved in a frenzy of invites might make an occasional error. I was wondering if there might be a strategic or tactical reason for the action.
– Mal
edited by malthaussen on 10/28/2015

Here are a few ideas:
*Sent a non-posi confession but already have 6 confessions quality and can no longer benefit from it. Intent to send a different type of confession request.
*Sent multiple confession requests in error.
*Confession not accepted and Hallowmas has ended.

@NiteBrite: I had tentatively thought the fist reason might apply, but what would be the advantage in withdrawing the Confession after the six minors are accepted? I have quite a few out myself over the limit (which, since I am not a POSI, means I’m done sending invitations this year), but I figure the Trust will amount to something next year. It’s not a trivial point, from my perspective, because if it were better I withdraw the excess invitations, I’d best get started!
– Mal

[quote=malthaussen]@NiteBrite: I had tentatively thought the fist reason might apply, but what would be the advantage in withdrawing the Confession after the six minors are accepted? I have quite a few out myself over the limit (which, since I am not a POSI, means I’m done sending invitations this year), but I figure the Trust will amount to something next year. It’s not a trivial point, from my perspective, because if it were better I withdraw the excess invitations, I’d best get started!
– Mal[/quote]
If they are a POSI, there is benefit in withdrawing them, i believe, since they can then replace it with a confession of whimsy or pride (which will give them the confession,without duplication). I don’t know if it’s beneficial for a non-posi to withdraw, though.
edited by Grenem on 10/28/2015
edited by Grenem on 10/28/2015

That’s what I meant by “intent to send a different type of confession” grenem. Thanks for clarifying.

I had someone who was a PoSi withdraw a single confession of pride or whimsy (can’t recall which). I feel particularly bad about that one since they had taken my confession and it’s a shame I couldn’t reciprocate.

I’ve had one or two people withdraw their confessions too. I’m not sure if it was impatience or an accidental duplicate, but it always makes me feel a bit sad.

I’ve had one person withdraw a PoSI confession.
I immediately messaged them with an alt apologizing profusely for not getting to them soon enough and promising them that, if they were patient, I definitely would answer all reciprocated Confessions.

Turns out they had just accidentally sent me a second confessions and deleted it when they realized it Their first confession was just buried in my mentions.

Applies for PoSI, perhaps, but my poor Insignificant char only has a dozen Confession requests, so it’s easy to tell there were no duplicates.

– Mal

Maybe this PoSI has him/her/itself too many requests in the message tray and can’t keep track?

I’ve had a few cancellations too and I can’t help feeling sad about it. But checking against my records, some of them are because they are repeats.

[quote=malthaussen]Applies for PoSI, perhaps, but my poor Insignificant char only has a dozen Confession requests, so it’s easy to tell there were no duplicates.

– Mal[/quote]

I’m sad too because my Confessions capped so early, I couldn’t send invitations to everyone I wanted to.

– Mal

I had two people reject my request…I REALLY felt snubbed :P

That seems really strange. I guess a lot of folks are mis-clicking (anyway, it is more satisfactory than thinking they HATE me!).
Although I suppose there could be a rationale for it, if the confession offers were for minor confessions instead of POSI confessions. I believe the latter give more Spirit, and there are only so many clicks to go around.

– Mal

[quote=malthaussen]That seems really strange. I guess a lot of folks are mis-clicking (anyway, it is more satisfactory than thinking they HATE me!).
Although I suppose there could be a rationale for it, if the confession offers were for minor confessions instead of POSI confessions. I believe the latter give more Spirit, and there are only so many clicks to go around.

– Mal[/quote]
Non-POSI confessions give the same rewards- but the cap applies to us, too. withdrawing is still kinda a jerkish move though.

I had to withdraw all my outstanding impropriety requests when I realized that they are capped.

i have trouble finding non-POSI players who are still playing.

That doesn’t really give back the actions, so it doesn’t do you any good. it’s wastefulto withdraw them once they’re sent, at least on non-POSI. send a replacement, then remove the original