Why do you Seek the Name?

Blast you all. I should not be reading this thread. It plants such a seed of curiosity in my mind…

That is how it begins…

I may have to create a Seeking character at some point. Seeking is just completely outside the realm of my character’s disposition. (somewhere between the Church, the Bohemians, and the Revolutionaries, who stays far away from devils and Masters and is generally attempting to foment a low level insurrection, hunting the Vake as a warm up to overthrowing the Masters) The SMEN content looks great, I just need to invent a character with a death wish and a less circumspect outlook.

The danger. It seemed dangerous and forbidden, and so it seemed veeery interinsting. The more people try to get things far from me, the more I want them, just like a child. :)
And I liked the idea of being part of a small minority knowing very secret stuff.

[quote=dragonridingsorceress]You missed out ‘Insatiable Curiosity’!

OOC, I DESPERATELY want to find out what all this Seeking stuff is about.

IC, I realised it wouldn’t sit well with my Prime.

Hence, my alt: Seeker of Names, an individual of indistinct gender who is driven by a need to learn the True Names of all. (I would REALLY like to learn the Boatman’s name, since I’ll soon Die with Wounds >20)[/quote]

That’s why I did it, when I sought. My character greatly values knowledge for knowledge’s sake, and it rankles him to see knowledge withheld. Education is, to his mind, only ever beneficial, and the idea that there are some things that are too dangerous to learn is one he’s struggled to accept.

But he couldn’t give up the friends he’d made or the home he built for the cold satisfaction of knowing-what, and so he withdrew from the search.

For my main, Elene: She is a person driven by an iron and unshakeable will. Her goal is to push the utmost limits of her capacity, to push to the utmost the boundaries of humanity so that she can prove her worth to herself (she’s the discarded bastard child of a royal family). Although she is generally a nice and reasonable person on other matters, when it comes to her ambition she is ruthless and unyielding. She’s willing to do anything, from gambling her own soul (the marvelous) to betraying her dockside friends for some favor with the masters, all in pursuit of her singular goal. As such she has no interest in mad and fruitless chases after self destructive knowledge. [li]

Outside of my main, however, seeking has a secretive and deadly allure. Thus my alt, greycolors, will go seeking once it gets to that point. After all, it doesn’t care about itself as long as it gets its revenge (nemesis).

Curiosity! Also I have OCD. Furthermore I have different accounts for different tasks. Would not risk my main character for seeking, not before he gets immortality at least.


To break the mystery. The pursuit of the &quotwhy?&quot. At least that was the reason when I was a Seeker, although it will likely be the reason that I start again.