When does the kid come back to show me the rose?

‘Do yer wanna see the real Exceptional Rose?’ An Opportunistic Urchin intercepts you on your doorstep with an intriguing question.

I did that, and now its locked, and… … … nothing. The end of the day is drawing near.

Also I’m hoping that the “token of undying love” choice is better than the other fate-costing, event-specific choices, because those were disappointing to say the least.

He shows up as a card. And as such, it’s quite random how long he’ll take. I’ve been waiting quite a while for my next card. But it’ll probably happen if I’m patient.

In addition, I believe the Feast will last a full seven days, so there’s time yet for the card(s) to appear.

Prepare yourself: SPOILER[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]The next step requires 1x Intriguing Gossip (to distract a Constable). Still waiting for next card.[/color]SPOILER

EDIT: after that SPOILER[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]The Urchin comes back looking for shelter from the Constables: it’s a Shadowy test, straightforward at 30. Like the other card, there’s also the possibility to just refuse; it probably removes the “Looking for the Exceptional Rose” quality.[/color]SPOILER
edited by streetfelineblue on 2/15/2012

I half suspected the kid to be running a Nigerian scam. I’m not sure whether that would have made the story better or worse.

Well, he could, but hey - I won’t know until I try, and I’ve got plenty of things to give him without sweating ^^ After all, my character is both Magnanimous and quite naive, as they say in the streets ;)

EDIT: SPOILER[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]It wasn’t a scam at all. You have to raise your “Looking for the Exceptional Rose” to 3; then an Opportunity card apperas giving the chance to give up, or try a Matter of Kuck: Pretty good odds action. The successful one makes you lose the Gift of Adoration, and gives 5x Romantic Notion, 2x Mystery of the Elder Continent, 1x Memory of Light and the quality “Looking for the Exceptional Rose” to 5 - “You have seen it”.[/color]SPOILER
edited by streetfelineblue on 2/15/2012

Well, I know all that. I thought the past tense was sufficient to ondicate that I had indeed glimpsed the rose. Sadly, sneaking out a valuable petal proved impossible.
edited by Patrick Reding on 2/15/2012

Well that was… uh… not really worth it. It was entertaining, I guess.

At least I didn’t have to pay fate for it (seriously, what is up with the fate options for this event? Am I missing something?)

… on a lighter note, what do you guys think is the best way to get the most out of the event, once you’ve gone around and done everything once or twice? I’m thinking it may be best to seize the opportunity to get more connected with the Duchess…

[quote=Patrick Reding]Well, I know all that. I thought the past tense was sufficient to ondicate that I had indeed glimpsed the rose. Sadly, sneaking out a valuable petal proved impossible.
edited by Patrick Reding on 2/15/2012[/quote]

Uhm, yes… The first part of the post was in character actually. I admit I haven’t made it obvious, re-reading the post it isn’t clear at all T.T

[quote=Ch Ko]Well that was… uh… not really worth it. It was entertaining, I guess.

At least I didn’t have to pay fate for it (seriously, what is up with the fate options for this event? Am I missing something?)[/quote]

Not worth it? Penetrating one of Fallen London’s labyrinths and glimpsing the exceptional rose wouldn’t be worth a little gossip and some cologne to free your lodgings from urchin’s smell? I’m afraid you had a tad little too much absinthe tonight, kind sir.

[I wouldn’t be so hasty: it makes you *SPOILER*[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]gain a quality that could easily have further use (like unlocking Storylets or Opportunity cards)[/color]SPOILER and after all only costs SPOILER[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]one Gift of Admiration, one Intriguing Gossip and around five Actions[/color]SPOILER; apart from the possible future implications, it was a nice little storylet.]

Actually, the cards you get are random - all the cards about the rose I get is “let the urchin hide” until the last one in which I saw the Exceptional Rose. I guess if you are really thrifty (or a cheapstake), you can try to discard the cards that ask you to bribe the urchin…

[color=#6600cc]We’ve altered the ending to the story now, so you should all be able to see it.[/color]

Ahhh, that explains why I get to see the Exceptional Friend a second time - my “Looking for the Exception Rose” quality turned into 11 on my second sighting with the same card!

Got it right now. I’d say it DEFINITELY was worth the try _

I’m having trouble seeing the mouseover text - the orphan spoiler [color=#ffffff] wants something to open the cellar door - can someone tell me what it is[/color]?

He needs a Gift of Adoration to open the cellar, I believe…? You can aquire one through a rare success at the “unmask a stranger” storylet.

He needs a Gift of Adoration to open the cellar, I believe…? You can aquire one through a rare success at the “unmask a stranger” storylet.[/quote]

Or ou can pop up in this thread: http://community.failbettergames.com/topic290-anyone-feeling-a-little-bit-left-out-this-feast.aspx and ask somebody to send you one. If you want to reciprocate the gift, it will cost you 20 Romantic Notions.
edited by streetfelineblue on 2/15/2012

I actually saw the rose twice as well. >_> Now my gates of the garden is at 6. I guess that’s a glitch.

Well… on my second sighting of the Rose, I gained Gates of the Garden at 5 (I never had the quality before, so I don’t know what it’s for, exactly). Considering that this “changed ending” is a fix for a previous glitch, I wonder if they didn’t add that change on purpose. Hmm… muses

Well, I’m happy with a chance to botain Gates of the Garden. It was the quality I was most interested in when Connected Pets went out, but at the time I already had a Hungover Terrier (giving me Fingerwork), and no way I wanted to abandon the poor puppy ^^ (also, Fingerwork could be interesting too… I can’t really figure what it’s about).

Something dealing with mirrors, I suppose, which likely means something dealing with madness. I love my little hungover terrier… Though I started giggling insanely when I realized that I might as well call him “Boozehound.”
edited by ladylikeikneel on 2/15/2012