What's next for Fallen London

I agree with you, the last election was the most enjoyable for me too for that reason, and there seemed to be more excitement and less animosity in the community as well, I thought. Have to say I regret that now we won’t have the opportunity to pick up last year’s Election items for a bit of Fate, for those of us insane collectors. Or will we??!

Re slowing down the new content, personally I am very glad of it as I’m three railway stations behind, having been very slow to explore them and the bone market… for me, the pace of new content was just a little too fast but realize that’s a minority opinion as everyone in the forums seemed to enjoy it! :)[/quote]
Quote from the linked blog post:

edited by Kaunisenkeli on 5/28/2021

[quote=Rachel ][quote=theonie]I agree with you, the last election was the most enjoyable for me too for that reason, and there seemed to be more excitement and less animosity in the community as well, I thought. Have to say I regret that now we won’t have the opportunity to pick up last year’s Election items for a bit of Fate, for those of us insane collectors. Or will we??!

Re slowing down the new content, personally I am very glad of it as I’m three railway stations behind, having been very slow to explore them and the bone market… for me, the pace of new content was just a little too fast but realize that’s a minority opinion as everyone in the forums seemed to enjoy it! :)[/quote]
Quote from the linked blog post:

Oh thank you, I’d read the blog post but managed to miss that bit of info! Now I’m really curious about the new event’s links to the old Election!

About rebalancing the Upper River: only I think that there should be some sort of additional bonus to dividends for developing stations? Not just “station development” in scrip formula, but more like a mini-quest: max out a butchery at Ealing and give him a bone duplicator, and he will be flooded with paleontologists, or max out the canteen and cook 20 dishes, and people will start taking trains just to dine there. All these would unlock a special storylet at each station with a short text about influx of passengers.
Well, mostly it’s a narrative perspective, but also to provide incentive to develop stations and actually vote for dividends, because current profit scaling is almost laughable.

We’re starting to get very slight references to some of the upcoming content. The Dumb-Waiter in Balmoral is hungry.

Also, we can now complete the quadfecta of Smuggler-Laureate of the Public Correspondence. Well, not complete it yet. But it’s starting.

Hm, I started the new Dumb-Waiter content, but it didn’t give me the new option to feed it, I just have the usual skeleton option. Am I missing something? Anyone else experiencing this?

Hm, seems the opening action requires 40 Criminal renown and a base Shadowy in excess of 200. You wouldn’t happen to be missing either of those requirements, would you?

Just looking at it now: unmodified shadowy needs to be 215, in fact. Plus the 40 renown and 3 favors.

I guess I’ll stop at seven points… I don’t see the point of surrendering all my tragedy procedures when the rest of this business is gated behind future content in any case.
edited by Tsar Koschei on 6/1/2021

No, I have Criminals 51 with 5 favours and base Shadowy of 223. I was able to do the opening action that gets you the acquaintance, which I think is what required the Shadowy and Favours? But after that I’m not getting the option for the first thing to smuggle.

Next storylet is in Balmoral, not in the Kitchen of the Castle.

Oh, I’ll check that out. Thank you!