What is your Heart's Desire?

Spoilers including reference to information outside the main storyline of Heart’s Desire
Manager: a love once lost
Bishop: a face of his own
Virginia: to rule in Hell?
Monkey: a soul of his own? It’s been while since I’ve dealt with him. I’m assuming he’s from the Empire of Hands?
Mr Apples: to leave the bazaar

edited by Parelle on 6/24/2016

I just want a fancy item to display on my mantelpiece. A Heptagoat isn’t too much to ask for is it?

But what did they bet? What are they gambling? Poor Mr. Bagley lost what was left of his sanity.[li]

(( If it does turn out to be a Kingmaker’s scenario, then it’s best to help either the poor sweet librettist or the poor sweet clergyman.))[/li][li]
edited by Bertrand Leonidas Poole on 6/23/2016

My Heart’s Desire is to kill all the masters and replace them as lord of the Bazaar.

I always assumed it was some person. I don’t know who it is though.

You know, I admit I haven’t thought of it too much. Got a bit too caught up in forking over my worldly posessions just for the stingiest scrap of information pertaining to the Marvelous.
It was heavily implied that the reward was a person, but…yes, I see. You are right. It could very well be something much more useful and worldly.

I suppose power wouldn’t hurt. But knowledge of certain mysteries of the Neath would be worth much, much more now, wouldn’t it?

I’m not sure Soran knows what their Heart’s Desire actually is. They’ve had a few ideas, but none have really stuck; they’ve all either been things that could be obtained through work rather than magical wishes (like hidden knowledge), or else promised by their destiny (immortality and batliness). All Soran knows at this point is that it’ll probably be something worth having, and they’ll figure it out when they get there.

They also haven’t discounted the possibility that the whole &quotwin your heart’s desire&quot thing might be some form of false advertising, in which case learning the truth would be a reward in itself.

[quote=Nigel Overstreet]I have absolutely no idea what my Heart’s Desire is.
That’s why I’m pursuing the Marvelous. I’m hoping by winning it, it will reveal what it is.[/quote]Couldn’t agree more!


In Fallen London? I’m not sure even the Marvelous could give you that.

A large number of women (and a few men) in various states of undress.

My desires are simple but profound.

To make that poor composer and/or clergyman happy.

I can imagine the monkey and the Manager playing that. The Bishop, not so much.

[quote=Bertrand Leonidas Poole]But what did they bet? What are they gambling? Poor Mr. Bagley lost what was left of his sanity.

(( If it does turn out to be a Kingmaker’s scenario, then it’s best to help either the poor sweet librettist or the poor sweet clergyman.)) edited by Bertrand Leonidas Poole on 6/23/2016[/quote]

Ah. Now that is a good question. I suppose it’s also a question - who won the last game and didn’t forfeit their stake? Or maybe Mr. Bagley only had forfeit that because he could not otherwise pay the stake - everyone else is putting up coinage and amber.

I like to entertain the thought that poor Mr. Bagley won the last game, gaining a deeper intimacy with the Correspondence than it was wise of him to request.

Oh god. Someone please protect these poor semi-innocent men.