What is this?

The game developers just twitted:

"We shall say more tomorrow. In the meantime, we suggest that you heed the following warning: http://images.fallenlondon.com/larger/ironrepublic.jpg"

Do you have any speculation on what this might be? It makes me feel nervous…

[quote=Voodoo Master]The game developers just twitted:

"We shall say more tomorrow. In the meantime, we suggest that you heed the following warning: http://images.fallenlondon.com/larger/ironrepublic.jpg"

Do you have any speculation on what this might be? It makes me feel nervous…[/quote]

It seems to me that it means that we will have access to the Iron Republic starting tomorrow, and that the Iron Republic will be AWESUM!

Wild mass guessing: are the reversed letters a graphic trick to remind readers of cirillic alphabet, an allusion to the inherently chaotic nature of the Iron Republic (the place where the very laws of nature are debatable), or the symptom of the influence of the enigmatic Finger Kings?

(I’d personally go with the second one. As much as I’d like to know more about the Fingerkings, it does seem too wild a guessing to be true).

The reversed letters are “NREF”. Clearly that means something’s getting nerfed. :)

Well, well, isn’t that ominous.

It might seem so to the untrained eye, but actually the O, T, I, H and A are reversed also.


Srsly, you made me think of ferns now O_o

Argh, why didn’t I find this game a year ago! I wanna go to the Iron Republic!

Well, the Iron Republic isn’t likely going anywhere in the meantime, and all it takes to get there is a cheap Tramp Steamer… Becoming a Person of Some Importance just requires following the four qualities’ storylets, and a little grinding ^^

(I myself I’m grinding some more Dangerous/Shadowing before following the route to Polythreme, perusing the Plaster Face, Nocturnal Visitor and another couple of stories in the meantime. The Iron Republic sounds tasty, but I’m in no hurry to get there :) )

Oh, I cannot wait. The journey to Polythreme was bizarre and disconcerting. But even there, the changes were… comprehensible. This is going to be exciting.

More wild mass guessing c/p-ed from the Skype chat (as always, PM me your Skype sn if you’d like to join, though it might take me a couple days to get back to you).

“if the Orchid-Grower gets your plant wrong, she says it’s a Hell-fern.”
Fe is the chemical symbol for iron, and Rn that for Radon…
possibly related to the word “inFERNal”

Actually it meant the ambitions are back.

Off to Polythreme now.

[quote=MaskedGentleman]Actually it meant the ambitions are back.

Off to Polythreme now.[/quote]

IMO, that’s much better!

There are more chapters to the four ambitions! And the Iron Republic is now officially open! Too bad I’m not a person of some importance yet…

Here, look at the dev’s tweets:

“As promised, Delicious Friends, the gates of the Iron Republic stand open to those with the means and the stomach to explore within…”

“But season your delight, for there is more to come. We have also added new chapters to all four Ambitions! More details in a moment.”

“To reach the Iron Republic, you will require a ship and Safe Conduct. The latter may be obtained from the Numismatrix, or at your Lodgings.”

“Those pursuing their Nemesis must also brave the Republic. The Bazaar would advice you to procure a certain key at Hunter’s Keep first…”

“BE WARNED. The Iron Republic is not like other places. The usual rules do not apply there. This include the rules of nature and reality.”

“All those pursuing Ambitions should except to travel. We wish you good fortune, for the Unterzee is treacherous and full of horrors.”