Weekly Questions, Beginning 04/07/2016

what’s the best way to burn/profit off of masters connection? some stuff i’m planning on attempting in the future requires some hit to the precious connection, and i feel like using it in some useful way before i tank it. however, the only option that comes to mind right now is the -10 scandal option in the tomb colonies. are there any other decent options to use it up?

If you have Ambition: Heart’s desire, sell or gift down to 77 of those special coins, then trade in 1 point masters for 50 coins, worth 12.5 echoes. Considering the real costs of masters connection, the only exceptional value in this is that it’s transferable currency. still one of the best options actually availible, regretably.

Someone who’s been to New Newgate more often than can correct me, but I believe a high enough Master’s connection can assist with avoiding a criminal record.

For some reason, my ‘Messages - Recently…’ tab started out showing messages from Rat Sending Simulator in addition to FL.

Is there a way to set up a filter so that I don’t lose important social messages under a tide of otherwordly rats?

What’s the net worth of the “Election Resources” card if you intend to cash the resources in rather than use them to advance your career?

[quote=Passionario]For some reason, my ‘Messages - Recently…’ tab started out showing messages from Rat Sending Simulator in addition to FL.

Is there a way to set up a filter so that I don’t lose important social messages under a tide of otherwordly rats?[/quote]It’s sticking around? This would occasionally happen to me and then go away almost immediately. If it’s still a problem, I think you should file a bug report.