Weekly Fallen London Questions,17/09/2018

Yes, but no one can promise you’ll survive.

Regardless of strange and supernatural things, it’s said to be saltwater, so about as pleasant to drink as seawater.

And to answer a different question, I don’t believe there’s any action in the game that lets you do so (I’m open to corrections, though).

If you mean Eyeless Skulls, there’s a thread for that. You can only get it from someone for your first Skull, though, not one of the five you need later.[/quote]

I checked there to no avail. I forgot about only collecting the first one. I’ve three and my opportunity deck is locked.

Are your stats also so high that not even a Talkative Rattus Faber (plus other items with stat penalties) can’t bring them down below 50 to auto-discard those skull cards? That’s how I handled those cards back when.

No Criminals Favours either? That’s bad. A five card residence leaves at least one open slot – I managed to get a favour at some point and sell the durn thing – and there was only the one! But I was operating with only 3 blocked slots.

Do you mean Favours: Revolutionaries? You can sell an eyeless skull for slightly less than half the price without favours, and without advancing the Liberation of Night. Which some people prefer to not advance.

Yes, probably - my mistake. I don’t recall any other sale option, though. Of course, I forgot to check the Bazaar…

Mr Eaten’s Twitter has gotten a lot more wordy and a lot more active lately. Is this something to be concerned / excited about?

I think I remember someone saying it’s currently run by a bot? So probably there were some tweaks on the back end. Unless Mr Eaten starts replying to people like he used to, I wouldn’t view it as overly portentous.

Is it quicker to use Wilmot’s for legal documents, or grind Shrieks from Ladybones?

If you succeed with every challenge when building up Dramatic Tension it takes 44 Actions to get it from Wilmot’s End. It costs 60 Echoes’ worth of Wild Words to have a Legal Document drawn up, and if the source of Primordial Shrieks from Ladybones Road is around 1 Echo/Action, and it costs extra Actions to upgrade them to Maniac’s Prayers, Correspondence Plaques and Aeolian Screams, then Wilmot’s End should be a lot quicker. If, however, you already have some of the needed Wild Words goods, just getting the Primordial Shrieks you need might be quicker.

If you still have access to The third coil storylet you could use that to hunt white marsh wolves for Mr Inch. It wouldn’t get you Primordial Shrieks faster, but you’d gain some Rostygold for future expenses.

Got some questions about the Labyrinth of Tigers breeding program, which I’ll spoiler in case anyone wants to avoid it.

If I play the Bifurcated Owl storyline in my lodgings, do I lose all my animals that are part of the requirements?

If I do, can I remake the Corresponding Ocelot?

If I can’t, does that affect my paper since I put him on the letters page, and does it mean the opportunity card associated with him is gone for good too?[/spoiler]

Here are some answers:

[spoiler]You do lose all the required animals.

You can remake the Ocelot, as well as all the others. You’ll just need to get another Hyaena, and go through the breeding process again. The only lock on breeding these companions is that you can’t have more than one at a time.

You will lose the card during the time that you don’t have an Ocelot, and the card will return to your deck once you breed another. Losing your Ocelot (whether by selling it or by creating the Owl) will not affect your paper. Having the Ocelot is an unlock requirement for that option in setting up your paper, but will not be checked again at any point in using your paper.[/spoiler]
edit: forgot spoiler tags!
edited by earthbourn on 9/25/2018