Weekly Fallen London Questions, 13/11/2017

You get all the old options, plus the new.

So in Old Downy (Heart’s Desire), failing any of the stages kicks you out and forces you to pay another Rookery Password? I used a mood to try and make it through, but got unlucky immediately. Seems harsh considering you need stats over 230 to guarantee success.

I don’t remember correctly but I think there are only a few checks where you get kicked out. Even if it’s every check, there’s only like three or four, so you can easily spam second chances provided you’ve got at least half a dozen stockpiled (which should be trivial). And even then I think I recall failing a check and not being kicked out (although it’s been a few months, so details are hazy).

I was basically in the same situation as you, immediately failed the check to get past the packed dinner-hall, and gave up thinking it’d be a long series of very difficult checks I’d never manage to get past. After grinding a lot of Shadowy and stocking up on second chances, I came back and breezed right through, realising I didn’t need nearly as much preparation.

I did the same as well.

What repeatable (non-card based) options are there to increase scandal?

By far the fastest is social actions; have people use you as their dupe when dumping their own scandal. 6 cp per action, plus some MW.

You can also get +3 Scandal from equipment (plus a free first level if starting from scratch). There’s the Modish Bonnet, Scarlet Stockings, and Barrel with Leather Shoulder-Straps from Bohemians Renown.

The Modish Bonnet, Scarlet Stockings of Dubious Origin, and the Bohemian Renown 10 item (which I shall not spoil here) all give +1 level of scandal. If you have no scandal, equipping and unequipping any one of these will leave you with 1 cp of scandal. These items can make trips to and from the tomb-colonies much quicker by cutting the necessary scandal cp from 36 to 15.

If you have Attending to the Needs of a Singular Plant 16-18 and either sort of patent scrutinized, you can build a supply of Counterfeit Heads of John the Baptist. If you use one from your inventory and choose “kiss its cold blue lips”, you will gain 36 cp of scandal. Such an act also removes (but does not require!) up to 3 society favors and gives 3 bohemian favors.

Alternately, a head may be served as the main course for a private supper. If the guest chooses to flee in terror, the host gains 8 cp of scandal and 4 cp of suspicion. If the guest chooses to kiss the head, the guest gains 12 cp of scandal.

After those options, accepting scandal betrayals is the best scandal source. Another player can send any number of betrayal requests while they have the requisite scandal, and you can keep a pile of outstanding requests to accept at your leisure.

Thanks! I was looking specifically at getting my base scandal to exactly 2, then equipping my 3 scandalous items for the flash lay card refresh hack. Guess I’ll have to draw some cards to get to scandal 2.

Is there any way to change one’s artistic school?

There are options in this storylet found in Veilgarden.

Sorry to bother this lovely thread again, but does anyone know a reliable (i.e. not card-based) way to grind Ruthless? My character isn’t ruthless at all, but I might want to try for the crustacean this Sacksmas.

Edit: To grind ruthless, that is, without damaging my other quirks, if possible.
edited by DonaghyLogan on 11/16/2017

A tall order. The best one is something that’s only briefly accessible while progressing in the labyrinth of tigers: http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Capture_a_new_exhibit

Look over the wiki’s page here and see if anything will suit your purposes: http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Ruthless_Gain_Pure

[quote=Kaijyuu]A tall order. The best one is something that’s only briefly accessible while progressing in the labyrinth of tigers: http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Capture_a_new_exhibit

Look over the wiki’s page here and see if anything will suit your purposes: http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Ruthless_Gain_Pure[/quote]
Or, if you’re OK with damaging other quirks, there are many many options on cards:

[quote=dov][quote=Kaijyuu]A tall order. The best one is something that’s only briefly accessible while progressing in the labyrinth of tigers: http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Capture_a_new_exhibit

Look over the wiki’s page here and see if anything will suit your purposes: http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Ruthless_Gain_Pure[/quote]
Or, if you’re OK with damaging other quirks, there are many many options on cards:

Thanks very much! Are any of those cards particularly common? I’m having trouble navigating that list of 100-some options (especially since some appear to be non-repeatable).

[quote=DonaghyLogan][quote=dov]Or, if you’re OK with damaging other quirks, there are many many options on cards:

Thanks very much! Are any of those cards particularly common? I’m having trouble navigating that list of 100-some options (especially since some appear to be non-repeatable).[/quote]
Many are, though they might depend on your stats and/or other qualities to unlock

Some common ones:

If you want to not rely on cards at all, there’s an inefficient alternative:

Go Area-Diving in Spite, increase the quality to 4, and then engage in A spot of blackmail.

My alts are married, and I want to send one of them on the seeking road. Will their marriage be annulled through the mechanisms of seeking, or should I prepare a divorce so that my other character doesn’t have to remain a grieving widower for the rest of his life?

[quote=Shaerys]Does a Fine Piece reset when you Put to Zee? I seem to recall that Inspired does. Thanks!
edited by Shaerys on 11/15/2017[/quote]

I think the answer to this one is yes.

I think the answer to this one is yes.[/quote]
&quotInspired&quot is reset when setting out to Zea.
&quotA Fine Piece&quot remains intact.

I think the answer to this one is yes.[/quote]
&quotInspired&quot is reset when setting out to Zea.
&quotA Fine Piece&quot remains intact.[/quote]

oh, I seem to have cashed them in for a level of poet laureate and completely forgotten about it. Oops