Weekly Fallen London Questions, 11/09/2017

Where I can farm Favors Church?

Opportunity cards. You can get a bunch if you’re a Shepard.

You can also breed hounds of heaven at the labyrinth. This requires no cards but is a bit slow.

[quote=Kaijyuu]Opportunity cards. You can get a bunch if you’re a Shepard.

You can also breed hounds of heaven at the labyrinth. This requires no cards but is a bit slow.[/quote]

If you’ve unlocked Empress’s Shadow (which I recommend for the story alone), you can teach at Sinning Jenny’s Finishing School to refill your opportunity deck and thus get more chances to draw favor-providing cards. If your class includes a nun, you can possibly earn a church favor as well. A full cycle through the school takes 12 actions and also pays out in assorted material rewards (including hard-to-find Dubious Testimony and particularly elusive Moves in the Great Game).

Dubious Testimony is now readily available from public lectures in the Forgotten Quarter, for what that’s worth. Only a couple per action, but they’re also virtually never used, so quantity isn’t much of a problem.

my shadowy stat is lagging behind all the other ones as it was the last to put over 100 when becoming a POSI. My gear add +32 that makes up for it somewhat, but it’s still getting annoying. I’ve been boxgrinding a bit to boost it, but the suspicion becomes a problem, does anyone have a recommendation for increasing shadowy quickly? Just spam loitering, or perhaps selling casing in the flit? I don’t mind not making money on it as long as the increase is worth it, I’d rather grind polythreme later when I can’t fail the shadowy challenge anymore to make it up.

I thought the affair of the box was fairly good at raising shadowy, as well as being worthwhile.

Well, I mean it gives as much shadowy as any other challenge, as far as I can tell, and a ton of suspicion running at the 70%ish success chance where I’m at. Also, as I said, I’d much rather get it done and then make money later, when I don’t have to deal with suspicion anymore.

Trading Casing for Shadowy is probably the fastest way to do it. Affair of the Box and then using Opportunism in Spite and Confound the Constables to reduce Suspicion is not quite as quick, but it’s profitable and reliable with the menace reduction.

Cash in 5 Urchin or Criminal favors on the respective faction cards for one-and-a-half full levels of Shadowy. It’s not reliable or grindable, but the boost is substantial and can be done parallel with other methods.

Heists provide a 20cp bonus to Shadowy when they complete, and are fairly profitable under the right circumstances.

Loitering and spending the notes on “tricks traps and treats” is probably your best bet, especially since you can have multiple loiterings pending at any one time (unlike new chess/sparring).

Actions with 70% success chance are in fact the very worst sort for increasing stats. Learn more here. Mahogany Hall has a number of high-difficulty shadowy actions which don’t increase wounds, nightmares, scandal, or suspicion. There’s also a shadowy option in Polythreme (lurking in the eaves) which pays 12 romantic notions on a success and has absolutely no consequences on a failure besides the shadowy cp.

Oh, thanks for all the great advice! I did not even know about the “opportunism in spite” menace reduction option, another Airs quality to keep an eye out for! and a great link, Anchovies, thanks for that. I’ll probably spam all my friends with loitering requests and run some heists then, thanks y’all!

Difficult question. Should i sell Slavering Dream-Hound, Corresponding Ocelot and Bifurcated Owl for card deck optimization or they are useful in some situations?
I do have the newspaper. And Ubergoat with the same BDR as Owl. And Scholar of Correspondence 10+.
edited by Waterpls on 9/15/2017

The Slavering Dream-Hound has a Rare card that wipes your Wounds and gives you Rostygold (20 per level of Wounds, I think). That’s the only somewhat helpful thing that comes to mind.

[quote=Sara Hysaro]The Slavering Dream-Hound has a Rare card that wipes your Wounds and gives you Rostygold (20 per level of Wounds, I think). That’s the only somewhat helpful thing that comes to mind.[/quote]Dream of blood? Oh, i forgot about that. Thanks.

Is there a guide or post about how to win more chess games? Do certain options counter other options, what stats affect win probability and are they checked when the social action is sent or responded to?

Boring way: Create a second account. Raise watchful to 10 or whatever and get lodgings. Play with him, win every time.

TBH I wish my alt was more likely to win. The loser gets more Sudden Insights and they’re harder to come by now.

So I’m working on Church renown with the hound of heaven and I have a bajillion Cellars of Wine. Anything fun to do with them? I’m not so worried about money since I got an Overgoat a while ago
edited by Pumpkinhead on 9/17/2017