View Profile Bookmarklet

Do you find yourself struggling to recall the names of your acquaintances (or even your own) after a laudanum/irrigo/oblivion binge? Did you just receive a message from someone you cannot for the life of you remember? Or do you want to ascertain that they are appropriate company for a person of your status? A look at their profile might refresh your memory, but all that typing takes a lot of effort; especially since names like Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch seem to be en vogue. I created this bookmarklet to make profile checking easier and thought it might be of use to others:

(Highlight and drag to your bookmarks bar.)

To use: Highlight the username (make sure you don’t accidentally include whitespace in front or after) and click the bookmarklet, it will open the profile in a separate tab.

Wondrously scrumptious, delicious friend!

You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. My sincere thanks!

Necro-ing this to say that it still works! Once you’ve dragged the text to your bookmark bar, right click to edit it, and change “” to “

Alas, for me it does not work. Even after removing the Storynexus component of the URL.
It just opens a new browser and says ‘Page Not Found’. (Using Firefox, if that makes any difference.)

Alas, for me it does not work. Even after removing the Storynexus component of the URL.
It just opens a new browser and says ‘Page Not Found’. (Using Firefox, if that makes any difference.)[/quote]

Works for me with ‘Fallen London

It works even for names with spaces in them.

But it does not work when your selected text is in an editable field on the page (like when I selected something in this message while composing it), only for static text.

How about not running any JS there? :)
Something I would never encourage!