Uncovering Secrets Framed in Gold - Before Start


I am currently looking at this opportunity card that asks me for either 22 fate or 19 fate to start the story. Now here is the thing: for reasons of RP, I would want to say that my character has never got caught again once she made that initial escape. This means I do not plan to visit the jail ever, and would not know the Forger by normal means.

Now, would choosing to spend 22 fate here be what I want to do? Like, does it ruin my RP? I don’t mind to pretend that I have met the Forger somewhere else, somewhere that does not give me a criminal record, if that is what the 22 fate option allows me to do. I assume that this 22 fate action mean that the game is providing me with a way to start the story without actually having get caught?

I do believe the 22 Fate option allows you to make the acquaintance of the Forger without going into Prison.

Getting caught breaking into the embasy sends you to prison without giving you a trial. It also does not give you a record as they won’t admit that it happened…if you change your mind …

I spent Fate to re-friend the Forger, and I believe I could only access it from his card in New Newgate.

This is before the storyline, not after it. I’m pretty sure the 22 Fate option on the card to start the storyline simply starts it and gives you a point of the Forger’s Acquaintance for those who wish to spend a little extra to avoid going into prison.

I’ve done that option, it doesn’t send you to prison. It keeps you where you are and gives the forger as an acquaintance at level 1

I actually RP my character the same way, so in addition to what’s already been stated about the story not taking you to prison, I just wanted to add that there’s nothing in the text of that option that will contradict you playing your character that way.

[quote=Sara Hysaro]This is before the storyline, not after it. I’m pretty sure the 22 Fate option on the card to start the storyline simply starts it and gives you a point of the Forger’s Acquaintance for those who wish to spend a little extra to avoid going into prison.[/quote]Ah, I see. Apologies for clouding the issue.

Ah, that’s wonderful to hear, especially from someone who RP it in the same way. Thanks a lot!