Unable to send messages to another player

Well, today I had a problem. I tried to send a message to another player, a lenghty one. At first time, &quotloading card&quot glimpsed for a second and there was a blank screen, with a &quotstory&quot tab opened. I was frustrated and pressed refresh. Message has never been sent. Wow. Frustrted, I tried re-typing it for another 5 times before actually copying it. Well oh well, I can’t really tell what this is connected to, but it has been quite frustraiting, and still is, being unable to send a rather important(for me) message to the person of interest.[li]
I have even rebooted, relogged, and checked my internet connection to see what’s the problem. None of these things are. I hope that you might be able to help me.


[quote=Plymouth]Well, today I had a problem. I tried to send a message to another player, a lenghty one. At first time, &quotloading card&quot glimpsed for a second and there was a blank screen, with a &quotstory&quot tab opened. I was frustrated and pressed refresh. Message has never been sent. Wow. Frustrted, I tried re-typing it for another 5 times before actually copying it. Well oh well, I can’t really tell what this is connected to, but it has been quite frustraiting, and still is, being unable to send a rather important(for me) message to the person of interest.
I have even rebooted, relogged, and checked my internet connection to see what’s the problem. None of these things are. I hope that you might be able to help me.


Maybe others might have useful fixes, I can only suggest:


Thank you for your advice, i have sent the message to support@failbettergames.com, hopefully they will help me.

Messages in Fallen London actually have a character limit.
Chopping it up in four parts and sending them actually helped.

This is frustrating, for there’s no text mentioning limits of the message.

Perhaps someone should contact them and make a suggestion to have a character limit notification? I don’t recall ever encountering one. Either it’s a recent change, or your message was truly gargantuan.