Trying to become Notable person... again...

Many moons had passed since I went to Fallen London. There is no place on surface for me now.

Through many fights, friends, cases and zailings I finally earned some Noteability. Even more, my entry in Slowcake’s Exceptionals was cross-referenced from two other entries!
But it was not enough for me. To prove myself a real hero, I decided to become An Extraordinary Mind. Well, it was not really hard for me. I sacrifice all my notability, because I understand that such type of person can easy bring it back again.

Two weeks had passed. I still sit in my Lodgings wainting for Slowcake’s Ammanuensis. These weeks were reach for different events: debates in Salon, some Polite Invitations, Promenades with my Spoose, Expeditions in Forgotten Quarter and many other small doings. But he doesn’t show himself since today. Am I hurt him? Am I cross somebody’s way? Well, I think not. Is this the end of career because I’m sufficiently cool now?

To these notable citizens who here me: is there any way to call Ammanuensis after losing all Notability? Or could you share some of your’s Notability with me? I’ll try to bring my gratitudes, big or small gifts, patronage or other help you need from me.

Thanks in advance,
edited by strangeone on 5/3/2015
edited by strangeone on 5/3/2015

On these very forums, you may find…

Well, seems I’m getting old and blind… Much appreciated.