Tragedy Procedures

I, uhh, I think that would only be good for the seekers…(talking about the bird, and im guessing the serpent is ap art of that too, im not sure if the mottled man is related to the God Eaters).
edited by The Master on 6/14/2016[/quote]

Those three are the priests who ate the eaten. Unless seekers are going to gut them in order to pull out a candle from their bowels, I can’t see why seekers would benefit from them? It took 3 hungry priests to neutralize Mr. Eaten, It will take 3 former priests-now-demi-gods to neutralize him again.
edited by Gonen on 6/14/2016[/quote]

By asking fellas who met the God Eaters about what they saw, one, who was a seeker will tell you that they are scared of seekers, they are scared of Eaten so I don’t think they can just neutralize him like that.

(as another thing, didn’t know the mottled man was the cat, heh).
edited by The Master on 6/14/2016

[quote=The Master]
By asking fellas who met the God Eaters about what they saw, one, who was a seeker will tell you that they are scared of seekers, they are scared of Eaten so I don’t think they can just neutralize him like that.

(as another thing, didn’t know the mottled man was the cat, heh).
edited by The Master on 6/14/2016[/quote]
Then it is time to bring them back to their full glory!
The three giants of the 3rd city! The god eaters!