To Be Continued?

Thanks for the warning, Whiteadder - don’t want to earn the ire of our lovely hosts.

What you meant to say.

I want to participate in something akin to the Women’s suffrage movement, as someone with an interest in civil-rights issues.

I want to write my own anarchist pamphlet (maybe you can and I just haven’t gotten that far with the Revolutionaries yet…)

I want to participate in an evolution-creation debate with the Fallen London’s version of Samuel Wilberforce.

I want to fight on the roof of a moving train.

I want a storyline where I communicate with somebody trough personal ads in the newspaper (carefully coded to have hidden meanings).

Or 3200 Certified Scraps, to be precise…[/quote]

Woah wait what you can get HC from the Relickers? Since when?

[color=000000][quote=Little The]
Woah wait what you can get HC from the Relickers? Since when?[/quote]
The Capering Relicker promises &quotsomething secret&quot for 3200 Certified Scraps. As the Capering Relicker is the very person who claims to have invented Hesperidean Cider, I’m pretty sure what that secret thing is…
Mind that you need Persuasive 200 to unlock that particular deal, so plenty of time for scrap collecting. I certainly won’t spend any of my precious scraps until then![/color]
edited by Rupho Schartenhauer on 4/4/2015

The two things I want to see most continued are: my Ambition (Nemesis) and the remaining destinations unlocked on the Unterzee. Actually, these are united, because I know that to proceed with my Ambition I need to travel to the Iron Republic, and that’s one of the Unterzee destination that has yet to be unlocked…

[quote=AlexWattsEsq]Edinburgh was not, of course, the seat of the Scottish parliament in the 19th century. And calling it the second half of the parliament of Great Britain ignores the Welsh assembly. Other than being close to Holyrood, a favoured retreat of the Royal Family to this day, I can’t see much to recommend it to a 19th century parliament.

Possibly more likely is one of the big industrial centres in the midlands; a port city like Bristol or Southampton; or the capital of Roman Britain, Winchester may have appealed to classically educated MPs.[/quote]
Ah, sorry. Forgive my ignorance, then. We may still have the same Queen, but the Atlantic between us remains a problem.

[quote=Abraham Bounty]

[ul][li]Islington says, “Hello.”[/quote][/li][/ul]Neverwhere? Nice. But the problem of angels has come up in the context of the Neath, too. Why, after all, may devils walk the streets without attracting their attention? Clearly if devils and Hell exist then so must angels… right?

[quote=Abraham Bounty]

[ul][li]Here’s a bottle of Black Wings Absinthe. That ought to Vake you up. Sorry. Me accent be slipping.[/quote]
[/li][/ul]It’ll take more than a black cloak and a taste for FLEEEEEEESH!! – ahem – to impress me.

That’s rather rude.

And my goodness. If the Capering Relicker really does have Cider, one wonders what the other Relickers might have that’s of comparable worth…

for 3200 Certifiable Scraps…
…The Coquettish Relicker will give you a “Veils-Velvet”
…The Curt Relicker will give you a “Rumourmonger’s Network”
…The Shivering Relicker will give you a “Breath of the Void”
…The Capering Relicker will give you “something secret”

I guess that “Breath of the Void” will be the ultimate item in the Wild Words category…

That’s rather rude.
Here, here!

Can you really trust a man that needs a rat to watch him? I strongly doubt the reward will be the Cider.

Oh and did you think I was out of ideas? Certainly not!

[ul][li]Import curry. As it’s curiously well-suited to the British palate and a great cover for meat of questionable provenance, it explodes in popularity, leaving a takeaway place on every corner and large profits for you, assuming Mr. Spices doesn’t bring a stop to your operation.[/li][li]Why is it always Paris? Could that great steel tower they built a couple years back have some sinister purpose? If a visit is not in order, then perhaps we might infiltrate a French spy ring, even if it takes a Scholar of the Correspondence to properly conjugate those verbs. [/li][li]Apprentice to [color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Mr. Huffman[/color] in the fine art of spycraft, and unravel the mysterious and life-changing code of the Evening Edition.[/li][li]Learn what Mr. Sacks does during the off-season.[/li][li]Weaponize the Correspondence.
[/li][li]Join, or at least assist, the Royal Navy.
[/li][li]Become a personal friend of the Empress, and listen to her story.[/li][li]Face your greatest regret, and convince someone not to make the same mistake.[/li][li]Discover what new and sinister purpose the Tower of London has been set to. It’s in Central London, so it’s curious we’ve never seen it, not even on the map. Is it the private abode of the Masters? A prison for London’s worst criminals? Central garrison of Her Majesty’s Army? Or perhaps just… lost.[/li][li]Find out what that circular plaza on the map is, just east of the Bazaar.