Time And Relative Dimensions In Neath

I am not sure if this is the right place to post something like this, but, it is not exactly off topic, and it does involve speculations about FL universe, so…if mods feel like it should be moved, they are welcome to do so. Anyhow…
As devout Whovian, I found myself wondering about something earlier this day…we all know that Neath is protected from the laws of Judgements by various mechanisms, which cause space and time to be all weird around it. Do you think that TARDIS would be capable of breaking through it? If so, which Doctor do you think would be most interesting to see interacting with Neath and it’s inhabitants? Would Irrigo affect him in a different way it affects humans? How do you think he’d react to the whole story behind Bazaar? So many questions to ponder about! I’d really like to have this discussion with lovely people of this community!

Can I just. Yes. All my yes! Although I think if he found out the whole story here it’d break his hearts. Again. ^.^; I think he might get angry about the idea of the stars as all sentient and creating Law…then again maybe there’s only specific stars that are like that, and most are as he knows them to be.

So basically it’d be awesome but the lore doesn’t fit the Whovian universe. ^.^;

I wouldn’t say that. DW lore is huge and very, very versatile when it comes to adjusting to the other universe. Why, it wouldn’t be the first time for the Doctor to go against sentient stars and celestial beings in particular. Yes, I think he’d be fascinated with the whole story…imagine Doctor speaking with Mr. Pages, though! That would be sight! XD

The Whoniverse and Fallen London’s cosmos just don’t fit, but that wouldn’t prevent a crossover. The Doctor has visited other dimensions before; this shouldn’t be too different.
As long as he stays in the Neath, he should be safe from the Judgements’ gaze, but I’m not sure what would happen if he was exposed to it. It might destroy him as an Is-Not, it might not even register him, it might kill him once and then ignore his regenerated form. No way to know before trying it.
The same for Irrigo and the other colours of the Neathbow. I must say it would take away a lot of the fun of such a crossover if the Doctor was able to just ignore everything local, or worse, couldn’t even perceive it.
I’m almost completely certain the Tardis wouldn’t be able to travel through time. I doubt the mechanics of time are the same or even similar between the two universes, and the Tardis is only built to navigate one.

I could see the Ninth joining the Liberation of Night. His hate for the Daleks always seemed much more fierce than the one of his successors, and I could easily see him showing the same for the Judgements once he finds out what they are and do.
If the Tenth stays in the Neath for too long, I could see him becoming something even greater than a Time Lord. He showed a disturbingly megalomanic side towards the end, and he really doesn’t want to die. He’d get that sweet true immortality some way, be it the Mountain or something else.
The Eleventh I think would mostly dick around and have fun until he gets bored, then leave again. I can’t think of any great crusade for him to join, and without that, daily life in Fallen London will get boring to him eventually, at which point he’ll leave again.

I believe every Doctor would benefit from visiting the Neath. In their own universe, they’ve seen it all. They know how almost everything works, and it has made them arrogant and careless. Being confronted with a situation that’s genuinely new and unknown to them would do them some good, humble them a bit, and make them grow.

[quote=Curious Foreigner]The Whoniverse and Fallen London’s cosmos just don’t fit, but that wouldn’t prevent a crossover. The Doctor has visited other dimensions before; this shouldn’t be too different.
As long as he stays in the Neath, he should be safe from the Judgements’ gaze, but I’m not sure what would happen if he was exposed to it. It might destroy him as an Is-Not, it might not even register him, it might kill him once and then ignore his regenerated form. No way to know before trying it.[/quote]
He travelled, yes, but canonically, that’s impossible now, because of events of &quotJourney’s End&quot. It might be that that is not the case anymore, since Time Lords are back, and they were the ones regulating parallel dimensions and travel between them, but we never really got the confirmation for that.
Speaking of Doctor, I believe that he would be ignored. My opinion is that he is not native of the FL Universe, and thus, not part of the Great Chain.

[quote=Curious Foreigner]The same for Irrigo and the other colours of the Neathbow. I must say it would take away a lot of the fun of such a crossover if the Doctor was able to just ignore everything local, or worse, couldn’t even perceive it.
I’m almost completely certain the Tardis wouldn’t be able to travel through time. I doubt the mechanics of time are the same or even similar between the two universes, and the Tardis is only built to navigate one. [/quote]
TARDIS, as we know, would be drained of her energy, being in completely different Universe, and that, I think, would be a limiting factor when it comes to the length of Doctor’s stay. Irrigo, I think would most likely have a very interesting effect on his memories. Memories of Time Lord are not a simple thing, nor is his mind as simple as that of human beings. It is entirely possible that he would be affected through all of his regenerations, that is, every regeneration would lose some part of their memories.

[quote=Curious Foreigner]I could see the Ninth joining the Liberation of Night. His hate for the Daleks always seemed much more fierce than the one of his successors, and I could easily see him showing the same for the Judgements once he finds out what they are and do.
If the Tenth stays in the Neath for too long, I could see him becoming something even greater than a Time Lord. He showed a disturbingly megalomanic side towards the end, and he really doesn’t want to die. He’d get that sweet true immortality some way, be it the Mountain or something else.
The Eleventh I think would mostly dick around and have fun until he gets bored, then leave again. I can’t think of any great crusade for him to join, and without that, daily life in Fallen London will get boring to him eventually, at which point he’ll leave again.[/quote]

Now, you see, this is rather complex topic. I must disagree with you when it comes to Ninth and Eleventh. I doubt Nine would care much for Judgements. Anarchy is not his style, not really. But, he’d be enraged with Bazaar, and their censorship. I am fairly sure that he would lead his own revolution against the Masters. He would probably dismantle Calendar Council on his own, eventually leaving London in hands of people
And for Eleven, I think you are giving him too little credit. Eleven is the oldest of pre-Trenzalore Doctors. He is the madman in the blue box, who thinks his end is near. And yes, he’d be his wacky self at first, but…Eleven is also dark, gritty, angry, sour old man. This is where companions come in. I always remember &quotGood Man Goes to War&quot and his words to Madam Kovarian. If ticked off, Eleventh would not stop. Personally, I think Eleven would be most intrigued by the East and Parabola.
Now, for Ten…again, a lot of this depends on does they have companions with them or not. But, I think Ten would take great interest in Rubberies, Flukes and Flute Street.

I completely agree there!

[quote=BlabberingMat]He travelled, yes, but canonically, that’s impossible now, because of events of &quotJourney’s End&quot. It might be that that is not the case anymore, since Time Lords are back, and they were the ones regulating parallel dimensions and travel between them, but we never really got the confirmation for that.
Speaking of Doctor, I believe that he would be ignored. My opinion is that he is not native of the FL Universe, and thus, not part of the Great Chain. [/quote]
I bow to your superior knowledge on all parts involving whovian lore. It’s been far too long since I watched it.
Not being part of the Great Chain might itself be a capital offense under Judgement Law. Normally I’d agree with you, since immediately burning up and dieing would make for a boring story, but the Neath makes that moot.
I’m wondering what would happen if the Doctor died in London. Would he visit the Boatman, and come back? Would he regenerate? Would he do both, leaving us with two Doctors in one body?

Dilluting the effect in the process! I could see that happening. And it would keep him more functional under the influence of the colour, without removing any of the horror of it.

I might be just a tiny bit biased against him because I really liked David Tennant’s performance.

[quote=Curious Foreigner]
I bow to your superior knowledge on all parts involving whovian lore. It’s been far too long since I watched it.
Not being part of the Great Chain might itself be a capital offense under Judgement Law. Normally I’d agree with you, since immediately burning up and dieing would make for a boring story, but the Neath makes that moot.
I’m wondering what would happen if the Doctor died in London. Would he visit the Boatman, and come back? Would he regenerate? Would he do both, leaving us with two Doctors in one body?[/quote]
Hmmm…here is how I see it: Doctor can postpone his regeneration for as long as he wants, at the cost of great pain. Time Lords do not die easily, even when they die. So, I think that, if he does die, and regeneration somehow fail to kick in, he’d definitely go to the Boatman and visit him. Now, that would be one hell of a chess match! :D.
On the other side, I think that he will simply regenerate like usual. One related question would be, what happens if Doctor takes a sip of Cider?

I assume the usual: Wounds closing, visions of the Garden, a fierce desire to visit the Elder Continent…

Of course, if the Doctor went to the surface and turned out to be a Judgement, interesting opportunities might be had.

&quotYour race hasn’t even reached Type 1 on the Kardashev scale. It doesn’t control the resources of this one planet, let alone a solar system or a galaxy. The Time Lords were the Type 4 civilization. We had no equals. We controlled the fundamental forces of the entire universe. Nothing could communicate with us on our level. Most races pray to lesser beings than the Time Lords.&quot

If the Judgments were aware of the Time Lords’ existence, they would acknowledge the latter as higher beings on the Chain. If the Time Lords cared about the opinions of the Judgments, they would agree.
edited by Passionario on 9/13/2016

[quote=Passionario]&quotYour race hasn’t even reached Type 1 on the Kardashev scale. It doesn’t control the resources of this one planet, let alone a solar system or a galaxy. The Time Lords were the Type 4 civilization. We had no equals. We controlled the fundamental forces of the entire universe. Nothing could communicate with us on our level. Most races pray to lesser beings than the Time Lords.&quot

If the Judgments were aware of the Time Lords’ existence, they would acknowledge the latter as higher beings on the Chain. If the Time Lords cared about the opinions of the Judgments, they would agree.
edited by Passionario on 9/13/2016[/quote]
Where is that quote from, Passionario? I can’t recall it, though that means nothing. I have barely scratched the surface of DW books and audio dramas…but, yes, that would probably be the case. I am assuming that the same would happen with TARDIS, as well.

I personally think they would all end up doing the Flint expansion at some point.

Hm, I dunno about megalomania for 10. I’d have to rewatch and think about it. I know all of the Doctors have a certain…disregard for how their meddling might affect things down the road, the hurricane that can spawn from their little butterflies – and that’s even with him knowing about chaos theory and how small changes make big ones. But the “I don’t want to go” – that is more…regeneration isn’t death, not entirely, but it’s still the loss of some of who he currently is. He’s the same but he’s also very different. I can’t think many people are eager to leave who they are behind without good reason.