The Season of Silver: Item Trade-In

[quote=Pnakotic]I chose to honor my promises, and got an Intriguer’s Compendium. Not a terrible reward, but I felt let down by the lack of narrative.

cut spoiler[/quote] If you would have not honored your promise, you would remember that the robed figure reveals that the Numismatrix is their mother.

I would also add that I was also disappointed with the narrative of this season tie in. The mechanics were decent, but not enough so to make up for the lack of lore, IMO. This was a strong season overall though - the first two stories were phenomenal; the third one less so, but all in all I was very pleased.

This is not intended as a rant, but I do have to say that this Season has been a bit of a disappointment for me. The stories overall felt rather pedestrian and poorly structured, leading nowhere in particular.

Purely personal opinion, your mileage is allowed to vary ;)

Not the! Good heavens!

I rather enjoyed that. A well-written romp with a hint of swashbuckling adventure and lots of dubious secrets.

It was somewhat strange that the only option was to just trustingly hand over the coins to a random orphan considering that’s wildly out of character for at least half of London’s inhabitants but after that the story was quite nice

I foolishly thought the two lies and one truth referred to the three items so I didn’t realise I could ask three questions about each. :/

I rather liked then first story of the season, other two were okay. I found this bit fairly interesting, it had a mystique.

In a way, I regretted surrendering these items, because they were kind of nifty to have. But the bits of lore about the Numismatrix made it worth the surrender, in my opinion.

interesting trade in. The urchin bit was kind of funny for me, but thats mostly because I rather like the little ones. I’m curious how many people actually followed through with their promise to do the rite of Saint Joshua. Also is the person you meet with possessed by something from parabola? It strongly hints that they’re eyes are infused with Viric.

cathyr19355 promised to do the rite of Saint Joshua and kept her promise.

I did- my character is a Midnighter, so it seemed fitting. I’m glad people have echoed the other options.

Wait, you could!? The story did a terrible job of indicating that.

Yes you could get three stories per “coin”

Wait, you could!? The story did a terrible job of indicating that.[/quote]
I’m now playing this. The exact text is: &quotI’ll give you three answers for each. Two lies, and a truth.&quot (emphasis mine)

Later, for each of the &quotcoins&quot, the game instructions are: &quotThey have promised to tell you two lies and a truth about each coin. Which will they tell this time?&quot (emphasis mine)
edited by dov on 2/27/2018

I knew you got three answers for each, but it wasn’t clear that you had to play it multiple times to get all three answers. I thought it would just give the two lies and a truth all at once, like many sidebar snippets do with some inaccurate rumors plus a bit of truth.

I did realize that you should ask each question three times to get the three different answers (two lies, one truth). But apparently, there was still more: as Pnakotic indicated upthread, you could get at least four different answers - with the [mysterious person] growing more and more irritated. Like most people, I did not realize that and simply moved on with the story. Does anyone else have journal entries for pestering them even beyond this point?

Btw, I haven’t the foggiest which of the answers are most likely to be truthful. I’d be interested in reading some people’s theories on them…

[quote=phryne]I did realize that you should ask each question three times to get the three different answers (two lies, one truth). But apparently, there was still more: as Pnakotic indicated upthread, you could get at least four different answers - with the [mysterious person] growing more and more irritated. Like most people, I did not realize that and simply moved on with the story. Does anyone else have journal entries for pestering them even beyond this point?

Btw, I haven’t the foggiest which of the answers are most likely to be truthful. I’d be interested in reading some people’s theories on them…[/quote]
Here you are:

I do have some theories. But they are all completely unfounded and are unable to be proven, mostly based on which narratives I liked the most. I’m leaning old promise for the locket, Sibyl to Pauper to the Stolen river for the actual coin, and either Polythreme promise or an [redacted by decree of Mr Wines, Cups, Veils, and Iron] bartering chip from which all other coins came from.