The Royal Family (Spoilers for Fate-Locked Gift)

Has anyone done a Show of Bravado at the climax and echoed it?

Edit: Also, that’s interesting. You get a different storylet at the confrontation based on whether you have Acquaintance: the Captivating Princess or not, I suspect. You get ‘The Princess’s Intent’ or ‘The Princess’s Confession’.
edited by Asclepius Unbound on 12/26/2014

I echoed it; You can probably see it on Mathieu’s profile page, or one back.

Great discussion!
I let the Prodigy feast on Sylvester. It seems from the letter that Beatrice transformed back into a human afterwards? Now why would that be and what did she take from my character…
Just even more questions about what exactly happen at the Fall.
P.S. really want to see a visual representation of that portrait. That’d be so awesome.

Might it be that the Captivating Princess is naturally as-she-is (and possibly also naturally sociopathic) because she was born in the Neath? It isn’t confirmed, to my knowledge, how exactly the Bazaar’s price is executed on the royal family. On the other hand, since she does go to dinner, it may well be that she is this way because she did the same thing she has Beatrice do.
Also, there is an option in the cellars (at the same level as when you can search the empty room you slipped a mirror into) where you do meet the Redundant Heir, and it seems he’s still around. That makes me more inclined to believe that he’s either too monstrous or not monstrous enough to join his siblings at dinner rather than that he’s gone.

Considering the letters the Captivating Princess and A. E. send you depending on your final choice, this is my current theory. The rest of the royal issue could appear normal, but they are either too mad or unwilling to do what it would take.

During the dinner scene, the Captivating Princess laments to her siblings, saying something like: &quotwill we be like we were before?&quot. And she referenced the honey. So I assume that whatever happened to the royal children happened quite a while after the fall (especially since we deduce that the Captivating Princess was born in the Neath). I think the most likely explanation is the red honey, though it’s still possible this was part of the price paid for London, just that it took years to materialize.

And I would love an artistic rendition of the dinner scene, mirror included.

Actually, he sounds comparatively human (&quotYour candle spurns details, but picks out certain disquieting hints: the misshapen contours of his head, the twist in his spine, the sinews in his thick, many-jointed fingers&quot). From the subsequent result, I’m inclined to the idea that it’s his mind that’s gone. Certainly he doesn’t speak and doesn’t show much understanding. The Sculptress attended dinner despite not having hands, so the problem is probably of a conversational nature.

Either that, or he’s too tall to get into the room.

I have just completed this fascinating story. As a relative beginner in the game, and a complete beginner to this forum, I’d like to inquire of wiser and more experienced heads whether it’s acceptable to ‘assemble’ complete or near-complete stories and post them somewhere, and if so, where? Obviously these would be major spoilers, but I should like to go back and read the complete story for myself, and perhaps also recuperate bits of the story I neglected to record.

Posting stories wholesale, especially Fate-locked stories, is against policy, I’m afraid. You can make records for your own private use, of course, but sharing them publicly is a no-no.

Anyone noticed the word ‘Galatea’ in relation to the Khanate and Port Carnelian? [li]

This is why I make Word documents of all my Fate-locked storylines, so that I can keep a permanent copy.

Minor spoilers for those doing the Nemesis Ambition: Didn’t that Mumbling Beekeper mention something about a crossbreed of the exiles rose with some sort of flower from Hell? And then Mackay took that batch up to the palace, some years ago.

I’m willing to bet that that batch was the bad strain that warped all the Royal Family, which then raises the question: who was trying to poison them so bad?

By the way, for those who were still wondering about the birth of the Captivating Princess, an option of the Feast of the Rose card that is going around these days, sets the record straight once for all:

Share a little honey with the Captivating Princess
The Captivating Princess was born in the year of the Fall. She wears scandal like a Parisian gown, and is rumoured to have a taste for honey.
edited by Master Polarimini on 2/16/2015

On the subject of The Gift, is it worth me stopping my progress through it and finishing Secrets framed in Gold, as it seems this has some effect on the story.