The Overgoat's price

Does anyone know the reason behind the Overgoat’s overly specific price?

I have just one theory, but it’s somewhat tenuous.
If we leave out the optional correspondence plaques, the EPA of the most common grind in the game - the affair of the box - is 1.42857.
Multiplying it by 8192 - a number instantly recognizable by any programmer since it’s the 13th power of 2 - gives us 11702.8.
Exactly 10 echoes less than the Overgoat’s price. Seems like an overly suspicious coincidence to me.

The Overgoat’s been there far, far before the Boxgrind is even a thing. So is the Cider.

Perhaps, but The Bazaar has a rather bizarre (pun absolutely intended) pricing structure anyway. The 10 Echoes could just be because the AotB and the Overgoat both follow whatever pricing pattern there may be, with some slight adjustments. I doubt it is a coincidence and is just the odd pricing system.

[quote=Corvonero]Does anyone know the reason behind the Overgoat’s overly specific price?

I have just one theory, but it’s somewhat tenuous.
If we leave out the optional correspondence plaques, the EPA of the most common grind in the game - the affair of the box - is 1.42857.
Multiplying it by 8192 - a number instantly recognizable by any programmer since it’s the 13th power of 2 - gives us 11702.8.
Exactly 10 echoes less than the Overgoat’s price. Seems like an overly suspicious coincidence to me.[/quote]
No, it used to be a rounder number and then there was a global price adjust because reasons (I don’t remember what now, something something rescaling rebalancing) and then the decimal came in. Presumably it stayed because someone found it amusing?

Me: This is highway robbery! How can you price that thing at 11712.80 echoes!
Nassos Zoologicals: But good sir, what is the point of having money if you don’t have a goat?
Me: Forks over tons of echoes

maybe it’s a hint as to the ubergoat? there’s a trick with numbers that’s usually irrelevant, but is possible for burying hints or similar things, where you add all the numbers but ignore their magnitude, and repeat until there are none left. In this case, that’s
1+1+7+1+2+8 = 20
2+0 = 2.

or it’s just a coincidence, who knows?

The price long predates the Übergoat.

Ah. it’s a coincidence, then. I didn’t think mine was likely, {i mean, you can’t hide a lot of information there}, but i thought it was as likely as OP… in other words, about a frost-moth’s odds in hell.

the 0.8 is probaby either a whim, or a straightforward increase all prices by *x, and they decided not to round.
edited by Grenem on 9/18/2016

It’s still a very neat detail, even if it is coincidental.

Also, what is the significance of 4308 in the "Smock of Four Thousand Three Hundred and Eight Pockets?