The Neath's Mysteries?

Is anyone looking to share a dream? Tell me which you would like an invite for.

EDIT: Looks like nobody is interested. I’ll discard this opportunity then.
edited by Lisette on 7/23/2015

I’m interested. And I came too late. How very sad.

I haven’t discarded it yet. Which dream do you need?

For what it’s worth, basically no one will ever turn down the “singular phrase” or “strange sort of prank”, because they’re two of the most profitable actions in the game.

Oh, actually not right now, I am having a marvellous time with my 3 delicious friends at Hunter’s Keep, I don’t think I can accept anything from there. And I might stay a while since you need many points of dramatic tension to see everything there is to see.

I guess you can wait for another few days, or just invite someone else, sorry.

Alright then. Anyone else? My menaces are dangerously high, so ask quickly before I lose the card.

I would like to go to the theatre but that raises nightmares so might not be best for you so I’ll accept any of the options. The first two options on the card are the most profitable if that helps you.

Edit - I’ll also take some of your menaces from you if you want … just ask :)
edited by reveurciel on 7/24/2015

I’d quite happily share a dream, Lisette. (Any is acceptable - whatever’s going to be most useful/interesting to you.)

[quote=lady ciel ]I would like to go to the theatre but that raises nightmares so might not be best for you so I’ll accept any of the options. The first two options on the card are the most profitable if that helps you.
I’ll also take some of your menaces from you if you want … just ask :) [/quote]
^ Same. If you need menace reduction(s), send a request my way. ^_^

I’ve already sent this one to Lady Ciel, but if anyone else is interested, I can send the next one if I get it again.

EDIT: Thank you, Lady Ciel, for the healing.
edited by Lisette on 7/24/2015

I’ve seen everything I wanted at Hunter’s Keep and now I’m going to visit Mutton Island, when I go back to Fallen London I’ll send you a card or whatever. I’m really curious about those cards.

Is this card no long limited to being drawn in one’s Lodgings? It just turned up for me while I was visiting the Shuttered Palace!

Edit: Now that I think on it, I was in my Lodgings but then drew the A Visit card and tromped off to have a drink with the Wry Functionary. Perhaps it doesn’t count as having traveled under such circumstances?
edited by Lady Taimi Felix on 9/5/2015