The manager

I wanted to ask about that card where you can buy a suite for 50 myteries, and you need 5 nightmares for. I keep drawing it, yet never does the apropriate option show up. Why? I may only havea 38 of these and so need 3 more months, but it leaves me wondering…

I believe you’ll be able to see it when you get enough mysteries

You also have to be PoSI, if you aren’t already.

You can definitely see the option before you have all the Mysteries. According to the wiki, the option requires 100 Watchful, which is most likely the visibility requirement.

3 more months? It shouldnt take more than a few days at most to get 12 more mysteries through thefts of a particular character. How are you getting them?

3 more months? It shouldnt take more than a few days at most to get 12 more mysteries through thefts of a particular character. How are you getting them?

Probably Trade Secrets. You get 1 per month and 5 mysteries per trade secret.

Yes, the Watchful lock is the one which hides the option.