The Liberation of Night?

On the forums recently, I’ve seen a lot of people mentioning a &quotLiberation of Night&quot and while converting luminosity items I got a quality called &quotAdvancing the Liberation of Night&quot. What exactly is the Liberation of Night and where in Fallen London is it mentioned?[li]

It seems to be a sort of code-phrase or metaphor used by some or all of the Revolutionaries to refer to their grand plan. You might have seen a vision of them enacting it in certain paths of the Destiny prophecies. It seems to involve the Neath’s unusual sources of light, and to be intended to destroy the power of the Bazaar and of its allies, whatever the cost.

Ever since the reveal of the mystery answers, I’m of the opinion that the Device used in the Liberation destiny is just but one factor of the PHILOSOPHY known as the Liberation of Night. Before then, it had never occurred to me that we were putting the emphasis on the wrong word: it isnt about liberating the night, its about being liberated BY the night.

I’d be real skeptical that this particular idea began in the Fifth City, the concept of freeing reality from the chains of &quotlight and law&quot seems…really primal and old. It’s likely that our Revolutionaries had analogues (The Copper?) in the previous cities, groups taught about the tyranny of the Judgements and the liberation found in night. And knowing that, I’d be sizable amounts of surface currency on Certain Members of the Calendar Council being much, much, older than we assume.

Other than some destinies and luminosity items, where in game is it mentioned?

It’s mentioned by the Firebrand and/or the Missionary as part of the story to discover the cave of the Nadir.

It’s mentioned by the Firebrand and/or the Missionary as part of the story to discover the cave of the Nadir.[/quote]
Thank you. I’ve completed that story all ready yet I somehow missed that, fortunately I think I echoed it.[li]

Just an idea: it would be happen to have the liberation of night actually happen if the combined advancement of it from all players reach a certain number.

This is why a few players now refuse to convert any luminosity items - just so they that don’t contribute to the Revolutionaries end game.

That would really be bad. I’m thinking that the light will cleanse the impossible colors of Neath (including us).

Even if my own character hates the possibility of the liberation of night, this would be an awesome mechanic.

It would be so even for some other &quotbig things&quot like parabolan base-camps and adrift on a sea of wretchedness


Well, no more converting Luminosity items for me…

Well, time to convert some Mourning Candles. For the Cause!

Seems like there should be some counterbalancing conversion (or action) for sympathizers of the Masters.

I daresay that would be romance, Masquing and Notability.

That’s an amazing concept. It perfectly fits thematically.

It would be awesome if, when converting Nostalgia items (e.g. converting Touching Love Stories into Bazaar Permits), or gaining/using Notability, you’d also get the message:
&quotYou have minutely hindered the Liberation of Night&quot

That’s an amazing concept. It perfectly fits thematically.

It would be awesome if, when converting Nostalgia items (e.g. converting Touching Love Stories into Bazaar Permits), or gaining/using Notability, you’d also get the message:
&quotYou have minutely hindered the Liberation of Night&quot[/quote]
If that was ever done, it would be even more awesome that if, if you had substantially more helped/hindered quality, it would give you problems with the group you’re causing problems for.[li]

I don’t even mind if it does nothing mechanically in game. After all, we don’t know if conversion of Luminosity items really has an impact on the Liberation of Night or not. It might just be there for flavour and for making the players feel that their actions influence the world of Fallen London.

Costing connection points would change the real cost of these specific conversion actions. Just adding the message would be a neat way to balance the two sides, at least from a story perspective. It would be interesting to see, for example, if more players switch to making Nostalgia conversions to balance the Luminosity conversions.
edited by dov on 2/23/2014

Not exactly what I had in mind, but… yes, the theme is there.

Notability is definitely not endearing us to the Masters, despite its origins. We’re sticking our noses where they almost surely do not belong.

Good point, but do we know this to be true for all the Masters? I know that Mr. Iron is DISAPPOINTED of those with notability - not sure about the others.

Also, besides the Masters, do we know if Notability is seen as positive or negative by the Bazaar itself?