The Great Crate Commotion!

Oh, I didn’t understand that. I thought each side was trying to get the quality to 50000 for themselves. Thanks.

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I was so close to achieving another rank or title, and I finished with 232 crates conveyor, which was 18 short of what I needed for a greater rank. But I doubt it will have any significance in the story or further gameplay, so I didn’t lose much. In addition side I chose had almost no chance of winning in the first place, so even if I maximized the crate conveyor, the Constables wouldn’t win (unless I bought an ungodly amount of fate to restore actions).

Has anyone seen the new Opportunity card yet?

It took me the whole day just to draw it once! You know how the RNG is.

Standard frequency, gives a Criminal Favour and some diamonds. It has a green border so you’ll definitely notice it.

Tribute has made us all criminals!
But, to be fair, the Constables don’t have a clean reputation since… since when you first arrive in the Neath!

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All Constables Are Bastards


Thanks for the information, psgarak!

I imagine the smartest Constable who cares about Constable PR relations in London carries around a sign that says “Consider: We’re not the Neddy Men”