The Fire in the Looking Glass

Meanwhile, every single other Ambition.


I mean the only one I didn’t mention is Nemesis :stuck_out_tongue: I do feel like Nemesis should likely be able to, depending on certain choices, unlock some options to obtain certain crews easier.


You’re totally right for this

y it rain doe freel dog

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This line bugged me:


Nowhere are there marks of human hands: it is, in all senses, pristine. Much like the vellum you have been turned into.

Vellum is prepared animal skin, a manufactured product. There is, by definition, no such thing as vellum that is free from the marks of human hands! I guess the paradox is meant to be part of the dream state? Or maybe the intended meaning is a blank sheet of vellum that hasn’t been written on yet, rather than one that exists without having been manufactured. Still a weird simile that doesn’t quite work for me.

I don’t remember the storylet, but in the passage you quoted the thing that’s untouched by human hands isn’t the velum. The velum is just pristine.

I guess that’s a bracketing ambiguity: you’re interpreting “much like” as only applying to “pristine”, whereas I interpreted it (justifiably, I think, thanks to the very emphatic full stop) as applying to the entire preceding sentence. I wouldn’t say your interpretation is wrong, but I wouldn’t say my impression is wrong either.

(To split hairs even further, even under your interpretation the vellum is pristine “in all senses”… which would include the sense “free from the marks of human hands”! :P )

I read it to mean that while everything is manufactured by default, nowhere are there any visible tool marks. Everything just looks seamless and whole as though it sprouted from a tree branch in its current state.


It could be that the hands that made the vellum aren’t human.


On second look, I think you’re right from a grammatical perspective. But I also think I’m justified in interpreting the intent in a way that makes sense, rather than in a way that’s factually wrong. (And I suppose that velum could appear “free from the marks of human hands” even after it’s been touched by human hands. The word “marks” is doing extra work in that interpretation, though)

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But on second thought the fact that it looks like velum and not like sheep skin probably counts as a mark :woman_shrugging:

Beyond, winter. Snow hangs from the boughs of dark trees. Light from elsewhere only deepens the shadows, and there are few tracks that you can see. The wood looks ancient, primeval. Nowhere are there marks of human hands: it is, in all senses, pristine. Much like the vellum you have been turned into.

This is the whole paragraph and, to add my interpretation, I would say that the pristine description is for the ancient wood: so old that all the marks left by human hands are long gone.
Vellum was first used a few thousands years ago so this statement has some logical grounds.

But looking at the option which yields this text we have this:

Gaze into the woods

Perhaps it is because you are now made of paper that you feel an ancestral pull towards those snow shrouded trees.

And now I am having an issue: plant fiber or animal skin? These can’t be the same as vellum is clearly used to describe its animal origin. The term’s wiki page, states:

Modern scholars and experts often prefer to use the broader term “membrane”, which avoids the need to draw a distinction between vellum and parchment.


I’d bet that you’re paper bound in vellum, myself. You can definitely bind books in vellum, and it’s actually used pretty often amongst the modern non-vegan book binding enthusiasts of today. And, I can only assume, 1899.

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