the Bazaar's Daughter?

So, apparently Mt. Nomad is the &quotissue&quot of the &quotThief-of-Faces&quot and the &quotBazaar’s Daughter&quot. Is anybody able to shed any light upon this matter?
(btw, I’m not expecting hard facts. Your wildest theories will do ;-)

Nothing particular.

But as to who steals faces? And where they come from? Those are not so hard to answer.

As to the mountain… Or should it be The Mountain? It may hold a deeper role in all of our fates.

The Bazaar’s Daughter I know nothing of. Though I might make many surmises. Why again did the Bazaar come to this place? Why does it weep? Or could they ever truly be spoken of as “tears”? It’s not snow you’ve been shoveling.

And what is the Admiralty playing at?

And what is this curious immortality we hold, that is more a death’s distain than true life everlasting?

Oh, there are many answers to be found, and some even that I might give… and some might even be truth. But each answer will open more new questions of its own. Secrets are a path to power here, but not to the quietude of a sound mind, as any surfacer would deem it.

Mt. Nomad is not the same as The Mountain ;-)

A viewer’s note: a lot of this is really a colossal spoiler. Fate Locked content lets you see bits of it earlier than you used to be able to- especially if you paid attention during the Destinies/the Gift. So if you don’t care to see some mysteries best found than explained…you get the picture. The really juicy bits are tagged.

Remember, in Fallen London, during the Destinies, the Liberation of Night mentions, and in the deeper parts of the Forgotten Quarter, we see stars aren’t just balls of gas. They are called Judgements, and they shape reality itself. Being outside of the Sun’s gaze grants certain freedom.It’s why death is funny in the Neath, and why the Correspondence doesn’t melt you immediately.

The Bazaar is called the Courier by Lilac, seen in seasonal events. It’s likely violated its place in the Great Chain- referenced by the Noman, likely a callback to the Early Modern idea of the Great Chain of Being (Great chain of being - Wikipedia). It broke the rules by [spoiler] falling in love with the Sun and giving birth to a daughter. Because the Bazaar is this spiky spiry thing, a space rock, really, and the Sun is much, much more. So the Mountain of Light ended up being something in between. It gave rise to the immortality of the Presbyters, and those of the Elder Continent, as it warps reality in a similar way to its…mom? dad? main sequence star?

Hence, the first Sin of Amalgamy, seen on the puzzle-door to the dining room from within the Palace Cellars. Incidentally, that’s why you get an elemental secret after the Noman tells you that you havea foot snared in the great Chain yourself, and that’s why you had the power to create him.[/spoiler] Fun fact- the item you get from a certain ending of the Nomam story, the hardest to achieve, is the Elemental Secret- it notes that the Neath is where the Earth hides the secrets that shame her. This is one. Hence, any break in the chain is at least implied to be shameful.

So that’s the first Sin of Amalgamy, the &quotlost Daughter&quot so many in London dream about (because of the Bazaar?) Sin number two is more mysterious. I admit I’m waiting until Sunless Sea is finished so I don’t spoil anymore of it for myself on Early Access. Mt. Nomad is the &quotissue&quot of the &quotThief-of-Faces&quot and the &quotBazaar’s Daughter&quot. What we know is this- the Thief of Faces was cast out from the Garden. It committed some sin long ago. It vowed to return. It seems to be at least a cousin to the Snuffers. Maybe it too violated the Great Chain? If so, how? What form does it take? We don’t know yet. My crazy bet?

It’s related to the Dawn Machine…
edited by friendshipranger on 12/26/2014

Great post! Most things I’ve read here and there but it’s always different when you see everything put together. I’ve never been able to make real sense of the Judgements…

And I just remembered that Mt. Nomad was mentioned to be the Bazaar’s grand-daughter in the Cave of Nadir. So it’s
Bazaar+Sun=Mountain of Light and
Mountain of Light+Thief of Faces=Mt. Nomad.

Could this be Feducci? He certainly seems to be something more than human, having served as Helmsman on the Brass Trireme and all…
edited by Rupho Schartenhauer on 12/26/2014

[quote=Rupho Schartenhauer]Great post! Most things I’ve read here and there but it’s always different when you see everything put together. I’ve never been able to make real sense of the Judgements…

And I just remembered that Mt. Nomad was mentioned to be the Bazaar’s grand-daughter in the Cave of Nadir. So it’s
Bazaar+Sun=Mountain of Light and
Mountain of Light+Thief of Faces=Mt. Nomad.

Could this be Feducci? He certainly seems to be something more than human.
edited by Rupho Schartenhauer on 12/26/2014[/quote]

isn’t the thief of faces the face tailor? Feducci has sort of his own story.

he appears in the regretfull soldier’s past as someone on the devils ship that held the soldiers as slaves after the failed attack on hell.

edited by Elene on 12/26/2014

Oddly, of all places, researching a wedding…

A message in the faberic, that just happens to be a clue to all this, far ahead of time.