The Affluent Photographer

If you would like some progress in the early phases of this quest, then I can share some. Riley37 is my Fallen London name.[li]

[quote=Riley37]If you would like some progress in the early phases of this quest, then I can share some. Riley37 is my Fallen London name.[li][/quote][/li][li]Hi Riley, I have just got the Affluent Photographer card. Is it ok if I choose you to work together with on it?[/li][li]Glorion

[/li][li]Profile here Fallen London

I prefer teamwork. It appears that there’s an alternation of building up potential (eg with teamwork), then a revelation or mission, then building up potential again. If you lost interest, then I would use Certified Scraps to pursue the quest; that’s the alternative method to which I referred.

Teamwork is good with me, too. I just don’t seem to be getting many of the relevant Op cards. Is there anything I can do to improve my chances, do you know?


I don’t know. Haven’t closely tracked when I get those cards, haven’t read spoilers.
There are, in general, ways to cycle through more cards, and presumably see more variety and pick the ones that interest you most… but this seems more a game of having dozens of ongoing stories and advancing each of them now and then.