Term Passing/Scarlet Saint Guidance

So I have played through the Term Passing carousel before opening the Department of the Correspondence a few times now, and while entertaining and profitable(?), it has become quite repetitive. Normally once this begins to happen I would move on to the gold-framed card and continue with the main story, if it weren’t for my strong desire to become a Scarlet Saint at some point (a lofty goal, I understand). Seducing the Provost is the only option I know of that gives +5CP to hedonist up to a level 15 cap, and once I move on that option is locked to me forever.

Is this the only way to raise Hedonist above 10 without paying fate at the Iron Republic? If not, is it the easiest or least time consuming? If you don’t mind, I would love to hear opinions from others on whether or not to proceed with my own department with my goal in mind. Cheers!

If you can get it to 12, you can use a counterfeit head of St. John instead. I think it auto-exiles you if you use it though.

It doesn’t actually &quotauto&quot-exile you, but it may be close enough. It raises scandle by 36 cps, which would normally exile you, but if you have some way to reduce your scandal before hitting onward then you can stay in London. This is best done by coordination with another player.

The problem with using a head to achieve Sainthood is that it drops your Austerity like a stone and building Austerity is way harder then building Hedonist.

As far as I know you cannot raise your Hedonist above 10 in the Iron Republic as I believe the Fate-locked option caps at 10. But you can get your Austere above 12 by looping back when you meet a certain lady and passing the correct day’s challenge. There is a guide on the wiki that tells you which options to play.

I believe there is an option at court that will take your Hedonist above 10 but it is a long time since I was banished and I can’t remember exactly what you need to do. If, as I think is likely, it is the threesome make sure your Austere is 9 or less as that is very scandalous and probably sends you off to the Tomb Colonies.
edited by reveurciel on 7/7/2016

[quote=lady ciel ]As far as I know you cannot raise your Hedonist above 10 in the Iron Republic as I believe the Fate-locked option caps at 10. But you can get your Austere above 12 by looping back when you meet a certain lady and passing the correct day’s challenge. There is a guide on the wiki that tells you which options to play.

I believe there is an option at court that will take your Hedonist above 10 but it is a long time since I was banished and I can’t remember exactly what you need to do. If, as I think is likely, it is the threesome make sure your Austere is 9 or less as that is very scandalous and probably sends you off to the Tomb Colonies.
edited by reveurciel on 7/7/2016[/quote]
IIRc, and you don’t have any autere over this level, going back with hedonist increases it with only the lv. 15 cap.