Table 6 - Nitebrite's Hallowmass Bash

Treat in hand, Sara steps out into the streets just outside the coffee shop. The presence of constables confuses her, but she doesn’t even have a moment to process them before a white raven swoops down and lands roughly on her shoulder. Immediately she becomes alarmed - Caldyr only does this when something is very wrong. The raven whispers in her ear, words swift. &quotGet back inside.&quot

Before she can comply a group of unfamiliar faces emerges from the building. The woman ranting about her rights and a defeated sigh confirm her immediate suspicions - this group is being arrested. She stands clear of their path, but Caldyr’s rough grip tells her this simple arrest isn’t the danger. He watches the constables closely, having sacrificed the advantage of a higher perch to watch for the danger they were awaiting.

The shadowy figure darting out from the shadows causes Sara to jump and Caldyr to give it an intense glare, the latter poised to act in an instant. Sara readies herself to run back inside, but elects not to risk drawing the interloper’s attention. She observes the transpired events in silence, gathering what information she could of the situation while pinned to her position like some poorly concealed quail. Only when the shade scurries into an alleyway after briefly taking a hostage does she allow herself the freedom of movement, raising her arm upwards to provide Caldyr a more comfortable perch. She gives the ruined treat a glance before discarding it onto the ground.

edited by Sara Hysaro on 11/5/2016

Having been withdrawn during recent conversation and tensely alert as things became heated, Dr. Kaigen lets out a long sigh. “After all that,” he remarks, “I believe I need a pipe. If you’ll excuse me for a few minutes.” He stands and heads for the door.

Out in the street, the doctor produces a long, thin pipe from a pocket inside his suit jacket, inserts a bit of finely shredded tobacco into the bowl, and lights it with a match. He takes a single long drag, then neglects it, seemingly not looking at much of anything.