It would be swell to be able to put a universal ceiling value on a quality.
So: the Hideous Strength quality ceiling is set to 5. No matter what a branch result would otherwise do, Hideous Strength couldn’t rise above 5.
This would be especially useful for games in progress (“the current Watchful cap is 150”) and games that make heavy use of multiple ways to raise story qualities.
I’m sure you know this and the solution is sub-optimal, but in lieu of capping a quality, builders could always search for “affects Hideous Strength” and put 5 in all the “if <=” fields. I only mentioned because it was a long time before I discovered the dropdown where we could search cards by specific quality effects required or affected.
Meg, that was discussed a little a few pages back:
Specifically, Alexis said “[color=rgb(0, 153, 0)]It is[/color][color=rgb(0, 153, 0)] [/color]not beyond the realms of possibility[color=rgb(0, 153, 0)] [/color][color=rgb(0, 153, 0)]that we will allow people to add rich media to storylets in some way. (Theoretically there are ways you could hack it in now, but we may replace HTML with Markdown in slets at any point.)[/color]”
Can we get a warning when StoryNexus is going down for maintenance? Five minutes warning on Twitter and the forum for unscheduled but intentional downtown.
I’ve recently changed my action bank size to 50, and I love it! It’s one of those things you don’t realise you want until it’s available. I’d always planned on committed players getting through 60 actions a day, and this change (plus a longer refresh interval) achieves exactly that while giving much more flexibility about how to play.
But. In my view, it does make the “spend Nex to refresh your actions” option look a little bit silly. 50 Nex cost about as much as a paperback novel, and to be honest I’d feel a bit guilty if anyone ever actually did spend that much on actions on one go. Because, after all, the main reason for spending Nex on actions is because you’re at a key moment in the plot, and 10 or 20 are probably all you actually want or need.
So, I Suggest that either (a) the cost to refresh actions shouldn’t be linear, but maybe more like a fixed cost plus a smaller varying component, or (b) a simpler alternative - the proposition should be “spend 10 Nex to refresh 10 actions” irrespective of the action bank size.
PS. Some of the best nights of my life have ended with an unintentional downtown.
[color=#009900]Action refreshes always cost 10 Nex, whether the action bank size is 10, 50 or 100. If this doesn’t seem to be the case and/or if the docs are unclear, could you drop us a bug report?[/color]
For Always cards, I would like UNPIN_ON_AREA_CHANGE.
What this would enable and facilitate is characters and objects who move about in the world, appearing in multiple areas, which the character could move away from.
For example, in a desert setting comprised of several areas, you could have the character draw the must card “A flock of vultures circle above” This card causes despair and sets a “Vultures Above” quality to 1 which causes a “Vultures” Always card to be pinned where the player can shout at them, hurl bleached bones he’s collected at them, or try to shoot one down with his blow-gun for a quick meal.
The Vultures card has UNPIN_ON_AREA_CHANGE as an exotic effect, so if the character walks into a new area, he leaves the vultures behind, and the card goes away. This does not prevent him drawing it again and the carrion birds circling in a new area.
As it stands, you would currently have to set “Vultures Above” to 0 as an effect on every single card that moves the character to a desert area, which can get tedious if you’d like several moving entities.
This could be used for anything that can show up randomly in multiple places and then be left behind by the player. A balloon overhead. Wandering characters. A menacing swirl of fog. A meteor that can crash down in any number of meadow areas.
The effect that could go with this, but is probably asking too much: PIN_TO_CURRENT_LOCATION which would change the location of an always card so that meteor would remain in the random meadow area where it fell, or that broken-down-car would stay where the player got tired of pushing it. edited by HanonO on 1/19/2013
[quote=Roast Rabbit]Meg, that was discussed a little a few pages back:
Specifically, Alexis said “[color=rgb(0, 153, 0)]It is[/color][color=rgb(0, 153, 0)] [/color]not beyond the realms of possibility[color=rgb(0, 153, 0)] [/color][color=rgb(0, 153, 0)]that we will allow people to add rich media to storylets in some way. (Theoretically there are ways you could hack it in now, but we may replace HTML with Markdown in slets at any point.)[/color]”
Cool. Thanks!
Also. I just noticed “play this storylet.” I was wondering about whether this would come to pass. Good idea. Sadly, doesn’t work at all for my world because it breaks my playtest horribly. But, great feature.
Can I drop a suggestion here? I would murder a small insect or animal no larger than my thumb to be able to use quality values in a test. For instance, if I had a quality named Enemy Armour, let me do something like: “if Attack >= Enemy Armour then execute this storylet”.
Also. I just noticed “play this storylet.” I was wondering about whether this would come to pass. Good idea. Sadly, doesn’t work at all for my world because it breaks my playtest horribly. But, great feature.[/quote]
I think “Play this Storylet” is less about playtesting as it is just to get a look at the storylet you just made. They did say that hitting play ignores all quality requirements so you’d need to tweak yourself into the right status to see what you need.
The storylet you wish to fire electively has as a root requirement “My Attack >= 13” it does not fire.
If my attack is 14, it would.
Since the elective storylet likely has a quality value that will not change, it doesn’t seem like you should have to compare separate qualites as opposed to just compare the one with the value that you’re wanting to check.
Just a quick one. I raised it before, somewhere, maybe in this thread. But, a “show only once” feature for cards would be great.
I can understand that it might not be a priority, but - after making 74 qualities to make sure the cards I want only show once, and trying to cancel them at one of ten junctures along the way, I can appreciate how much it would have streamlined my time investment.
Mentioning it because I learned some stuff from making The Thirst Frontier and will consider a second effort at some stage, but I quite like the show only once thing - but not all the hard work and yucky looking cancellation moments that come with it.
The storylet you wish to fire electively has as a root requirement “My Attack >= 13” it does not fire.
If my attack is 14, it would.
Since the elective storylet likely has a quality value that will not change, it doesn’t seem like you should have to compare separate qualites as opposed to just compare the one with the value that you’re wanting to check.[/quote]
While that would work in that particular instance, it would also mean I have to code a storylet for every single possible value of Enemy Armour: from 1 to 13 and above.
Take another example, where you have two variables: Acrobatic Ability and Height, where Height represents the difficulty that you would be testing Acrobatic Ability against. Right now if you had a variety of situations where the Height changes you’ll have to write an individual storylet for each situation. If you had the ability to use a variable’s value, however, all you would have to do is write a single storylet comparing Acrobatic Ability vs Height and call it a day.
In other words, I wished [q:Height] worked in the three little boxes next to a test. A man can dream…