SUB Mirrors and Clay

Yep. That’s something like 20 actions per sea, so about 80 to get there and back. You’ll probably need to run through a few cycles - at least once, certainly. So, that’s ~90 to ~115 actions that you probably weren’t intending to spend, and which will reset any Casing etc. that you’ve started on in the meantime.

Just a tad annoying.

I wrote a glowing travelogue, and I’ve got no options either, so you might be able to save yourself the trip.

Well, I’m already on the tramp steamer. So should I try condemning the place, then? Except the King’s suffered enough, and I don’t want to make it worse or tick off his children.

It’s down to whether your conscience is stronger than your scientific spirit. Personally, I suspect that it’s another quality determining our options - presumably, the idea is that once we’ve seen Polythreme, there’s little we could learn from mundane Clay investigations.

Damn. That sucks. So the card’s effectively useless, and anything interesting on it is lost forever?

[color=#660099]Hi all[/color]
[color=#660099]Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I’ve adjusted the Mirrors and Clay card - everyone should now be able to take Loamsprach lessons, regardless of what they’ve been saying about Clay Men elsewhere.[/color]

Hooray! Thank you, Emily!

I’d try to play the story right now, but I just got to Polythreme, and it seems a waste to leave so soon. Perhaps I’ll stick around a bit and try for the storylets I haven’t played yet.

Ah! Excellent news. I was worried that there was an entire corner that was lost forever.

Much as I hate to say it, I find myself in a similar situation with “The Cities that Fell” - despite having a WtFC of 9, I still can only see the one, PoSI option. Can anyone else see more?

I don’t seem to have any points in A Visitor to the Clay Quarters, despite having done the Comtessa storyline (a long, long time ago, so I don’t remember how I lost it or if I ever had it). Does this mean I’m permanently locked out of the options on this card?

I’m in a similar situation with The Cities That Fell too - I picked up WtFC of 20 on my way back from Polythreme, but no options yet.
edited by the_antichris on 4/1/2012

[quote=the_antichris]I don’t seem to have any points in A Visitor to the Clay Quarters, despite having done the Comtessa storyline (a long, long time ago, so I don’t remember how I lost it or if I ever had it). Does this mean I’m permanently locked out of the options on this card?

I’m in a similar situation with The Cities That Fell too - I picked up WtFC of 20 on my way back from Polythreme, but no options yet.
edited by the_antichris on 4/1/2012[/quote]

If you finished the Comtessa storyline, you shouldn’t have any Visitor to the Clay Quarters.

So how does one get the required level to open up options on the card? I didn’t get any in Polythreme, but I haven’t been back since the announcement of the new content over there.

My other account also finished the Comtessa storyline, and he has AVttCQ, so maybe it’s down to the options you pick at the end? It was probably something different from my main account, because he’s a contrary fellow.

You need AVttCQ 0, meaning you have to have finished the Comtessa storyline. You also need Mired in Clay, which you get by writing a travelogue in Polythreme.

I started the storyline without having ever gone to Polythreme- my first action with the card gave me Mired in Clay.

Does the story continue past A Visitor To The Clay Quarters 5? I’ve got that and Fingerwork 22, and I don’t see any other options on the card. (On the Eyes of Icarus card I see a locked option telling me to increase the stat, while I don’t on Falling Cities.)

I think it just ends there for now. Mine stopped there too.