Storylets Yielding CP for Two Stats + Items

So there’s a very special action in the Painted Ring in Watchmaker around Dangerous 55. The storylet itself unlocks with Dangerous, but inside it is a secondary Watchful test which, if successful, gives 1 CP in both Watchful AND Dangerous AND 51 glim. Looking at leveling charts, getting 2 CP every single action along with some cash at a 100% success rate (because the Watchful option doesn’t lock, no matter how high your Watchful is, so as long as you still qualify for the Painted Ring, you can keep hitting it) seems like a pretty good deal.

But as with any nerd getting a good deal, I want more. Anyone know of any similar higher-level actions that will spit out a little more than 51 glim every success? The criteria are basically &quotmust unlock with one stat but have another stat as an option inside it and reward goods and CP for both stats on success.&quot Or even same- or lower-level actions that behave the same way, but with different stats–gonna have to get Shadowy and Persuasive sooner or later.
edited by sevrlbats on 4/7/2015

[quote=sevrlbats]So there’s a very special action in the Painted Ring in Watchmaker around Dangerous 55. The storylet itself unlocks with Dangerous, but inside it is a secondary Watchful test which, if successful, gives 1 CP in both Watchful AND Dangerous AND 51 glim. Looking at leveling charts, getting 2 CP every single action along with some cash at a 100% success rate (because the Watchful option doesn’t lock, no matter how high your Watchful is, so as long as you still qualify for the Painted Ring, you can keep hitting it) seems like a pretty good deal.

But as with any nerd getting a good deal, I want more. Anyone know of any similar higher-level actions that will spit out a little more than 51 glim every success? The criteria are basically &quotmust unlock with one stat but have another stat as an option inside it and reward goods and CP for both stats on success.&quot Or even same- or lower-level actions that behave the same way, but with different stats–gonna have to get Shadowy and Persuasive sooner or later.
edited by sevrlbats on 4/7/2015[/quote]
there’s another, more lucrative watchful-shadowy challenge in the forgotten quarter, but it’s airs based, and therefore frequently unavailible.

Its worth noting 1 cp in two stats is less than you get from high risk challenges on failure.
edited by WormApotheote on 4/8/2015

The other lower level one that sticks around is also in Watchmakers Hill - the Watchful option on Deal with Unfinished Men gives watchful and dangerous. (edit - just checked at 100% straightforward 1cp each watchful/dangerous and 54 rostygold)

Once you get into the Forgotten Quarter and start seeking curios and secrets the options vary depending on Airs of the Forgotten Quarter but there are options that give Watchful/shadowy; watchful/persuasive and persuasive/dangerous boosts.

Edit - of course stat boosts are mainly based on the challenge difficulty. Lots of people have said that the optimum level is 90% chance as that gives 2cp on success.
edited by reveurciel on 4/8/2015

[quote=lady ciel ]
Edit - of course stat boosts are mainly based on the challenge difficulty. Lots of people have said that the optimum level is 90% chance as that gives 2cp on success.[/quote]

It’s a bit more complicated than that; the optimum payout in CP is almost impossible challenges at 10 percent, which give 4 on failure, and 6 on success.

But most challenges ALSO give menace increases on failure or have some other consequence for failure, so if you want to mostly succeed, there’s a significant dropoff in CP at 91 percent, where it goes from 1.9 CP average to 1 cp on both success and failure.

If you’re not worried about failure harder challenges are always better.

(Though eg spamming chess invites and trying to fail so you get 2 sudden insights and using those to level your watchful is going to be even faster if stats are your only goal)

[quote=WormApotheote]Its worth noting 1 cp in two stats is less than you get from high risk challenges on failure.
edited by WormApotheote on 4/8/2015[/quote]

Yeah, but my Watchful challenge has a 100% chance of success, which means no menaces and money on every click. The real question is whether the CP that I’m losing by doing an easier challenge (but one that is 100% reliable) is offset by the 51 pence of glim every click (and the complete lack of fear of menaces).

The Unfinished Men one sounds intriguing. I’ve got a use for rostygold in the Forgotten Quarter.