[SPOILERS] Replaying the Big Rat battle

I am hoping for some insight from someone who redone their battle against the Big Rat in the “Seeking the Meaning of the Plaster Face” storyline. If you use the fate-locked portion of the Rat Melancholy card (available from the Albino Rat following the battle), how far back does it reset your battle against the Big Rat?

Beyond this point there be SPOILERS…

During my battle against the Big Rat and his many Faces, I sacrificed my Disgraced Rattus Faber Bandit Chief during the “Framing the Lieutenants” phase…a move I now deeply regret. I’d grown more attached to him than I realized and would really like a do-over so that the little guy doesn’t have to die. This is the one in-game decision I’ve made that has seriously saddened me…moreso than being banished from Court of the University
BuT I don’t want to permanently lose the Albino Rat, either. So I guess my question is two-fold:

1.) If I spend the 30 fate to redo the battle, will it take me far enough back to recover the Disgraced Fattus Faber Bandit Chief and select another option?

2.) After the battle is concluded for the second time, will the Opportunity Card to obtain the Albino Rat still be available? Or is she permanently lost to me if I spend the Fate on a do-over?

I don’t want to waste money/Fate unless I am 100% sure everything will work out the way I want it to. Ideally, I would like to have both the Disgraced Rattus Faber and the Albino Rat as companions, but if this isn’t possible, I at least want to know I’m not abandoning the Albino Rat for nothing.
edited by aceinit on 2/26/2012

I’ve been wondering almost exactly the same thing, only the other way around - I want to know if it would give my Disgraced Bandit Chief the opportunity to go out in a blaze of glory.

[color=#330099]I think it is requested that we do not discuss the fate locked content in any detail?[/color]