Something Creepy

So that would mean perma-dead souls [spoiler]that don’t become frost-moths or get snatched up by devils or pentecost apes are what’s ferried by the Boatman. Maybe souls go to the WORST ISLAND because the powers of the Neath needed a place to put them, since they don’t perish as they would on the Surface.

And if that’s true, it seems like having your soul get blotted out on the Surface by the Sun, snatched up by a Pentecost Ape, or even harvested to pollinate the honeyworks of Hell would be a kindness by comparison.[/spoiler]
edited by Ginneon Thursday on 12/9/2016

Only, you can see the boatman even if you’re soulless. Maybe there’s a connection between what your soul is experiencing and your body? Otherwise, well, death is a mystery.