Skill gain

Do we know the algorithm that sets gain in Watchful/Dangerous/Shadowy/Persuasive after failing/succeeding any given challenge?[li]



Yes, we do! :cool:

I think we can be a little more helpful than that, although I suppose you did answer the question quite succinctly. Arepo, check out

Edit: Link belatedly fixed.
edited by Guy Scrum on 12/29/2013

Remove the period from the end of the URL Guy provided to get it to load.

[quote=Guy Scrum]I think we can be a little more helpful than that …[/quote]I don’t know. I think my link to the wikia was more helpful. But I suppose it may have been too… Shadowy? ;)

Sorry about that. You’d think I’ve been using the internet long enough to recognize a link when I see one, but no, I have not.

It’s not like it’s something we all haven’t done at one point or another. I just thought I’d save Arepo a little confusion.

It would help if links showed up a different colour.

That’s crazy talk.

Links do show up in a slightly different colour: [color=#ffffff]White[/color], as opposed to the light grey of regular text. But yeah, I suppose the default link colour could stand out more.

[quote=Mordaine Barimen]It’s not like it’s something we all haven’t done at one point or another. I just thought I’d save Arepo a little confusion.[/quote]I think the link Guy Scrum didn’t see was mine, in my first post. But I am not sure why he didn’t go back to edit that last period out of his own link.

Much obliged, guv’ners.[li]

If anyone uses Stylish/Opera user css/some other way of imposing your own style sheet in pages, and would like the one I hacked together through trial and error to change the forum’s colors, let me know.